Is This Evil!


Fish Crazy
Jul 3, 2006
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I have 3 small goldfish in a 12-15 gallon tank. 1 black moor, 1 with that funny 3 tail and one silver one whos tail grows as long as its body. I have had them for about a year and they were in a 35 gallon tank which i was cleaning and knocked it on a radiator and it now has a crack through the bottom. Its in my garden collecting dirt and rainwater. Every week i clean the goldfish out and chance 100% of the water, wash the stones and wash the filter media. Then i fill it up with water put everything back and put the fish in. When i got them i dident think they needed declorinated water. I have never dechlorinated their water and they seem to be fine just swimming and they eat loads, i net out any extra food left over. I love to give them live foods to.

The only reason i dident dechlorinate the water is i thought they are so hardy they dont need it. They dont seem to care, and have never been ill.

Am i evil!

Has someone told you that you are evil or have you discovered a conscience?

These are your pets and deserve proper housing. You had them in a nice big tank and then into a 12 gallon. Can you not repair or buy a new tank? If not then take a couple back to the pet shop.
You need to clean out the tank at least two maybe three times a week to keep them healthy or their immune system will get weaker and weaker.
All righty then...
Your not declorinating the water because goldfish are hardy? I don't understand your reasoning. That would be like saying...since bettas can go months without food, you choose not to feed it for a month. I'm sorry for being rude but that is really stupid.
Also, its a very bad idea to completly clean out the tank....everytime you do that you kill off all the good bacteria and your tank re-cycles, and your fish have to go through the poisoning levels of ammonia, nitrite and nitrate over and over again :no:
I don't understand how you think this is funny, why do you continue to treat your fish this way, you obvousily know what your doing is wrong (or else you wouldn't be asking us if you were being "evil" to your fish).

Again, I'm sorry for mouthing off to you, but this has really pissed me off :grr:
No question mark behind "am I evil" makes it a statement, not a question. An exclamation point behind it makes it an exclamation! Is this evil! Yes it is! Should you be proud of it? No! Should you get a larger tank? Yes! Will you? Probably not!

Now is the time that you should appreciate that this is a family oriented forum.
I know this is realy bad and 'meg the fish' you are correct to rant (but i dont know how you think, i think its funny). Would all the fish named above b ok in a pond?


PS, they have been in the 15 gallon for about 2 1/2 weeks. Tolak you dont even know me, i was going to buy a new tank then i saw a pond and thought they would be far better off in a pond than a fish tank.

Last night i took the fish out and left the filter and stones and put dechlorinated water in. they seem fine.
If you are in the uk then dont put double tailed fish into a pond.
I am in the UK. I guess its a 30 gallon tank. I want to give them a good tank as they have been through do much. Once they have it they will live the rest of their lives in it, unless they get too big in which case i will just up-grade.

Thanks Black angel


PS, i am such a hippo-crit as i am always telling people to research first and i dident, That was a year ago.
Aquaking, Goldfish need a lot of room, because they create a LOT of waste. Your fish might seem fine, but their water obviously isn't of the correct quality, meaning their immune system is much lower, and they are much more capable of harbouring a disease of some sort.

Everytime you clean everything out, you are killing the good bacteria that is needed for a healthy tank [if these bacteria ever built themselves up in the first place].

I recommend re-homing two of your fish, the silver one - if it is a common, can go in a pond. and one of your fancies could go to your local pet shop?

How big are these fish? As keeping even one goldie in a small tank can stunt it's growth, which leads to an unhappy life, and eventually, death.

I understand that your bigger tank cracked, which is a right pain up the bum - but you must be prepared to look after these fish, which means re-homing them appropriatly.

Back to your question - are you evil? - well, no. Your not evil, just un-educated. Read up on this forum and do a few google searches for looking after goldfish and how the tank should be set up / stabalized.

I would also recommend purchasing a test kit, especially if you are looking to go further into the hobby.

And as for the dechlorinator - BUY SOME!

Take it easy,

I was up at 2am doing a water change as i felt so bad. I have tropical fish so i have dechlorinator. About a year ago i was a stupid kid went to the pet shop and boom came home with the fish bunged them into the tank. The man at the pet shop said all they need was freshwater (he dident tell me about dechlorinator) and a water change every month. I did one water change a week. Since then i have got tropical fish which i started to read up about them and now i have 3 tropical fish tanks.

I dont want to get rid of any, The silver one is a long fin one which means it cant go to a pond. I know tuns about tropical fish and saltwater fish but nothing about the coldwater fish, Which are probs them most easy.

I am going to get my coldwater tank done ASAP i pro-mis!

Make sure when you get them a better tank, you invest in some powerful filtration- its important to have well filtered tank with goldfish as they can poop like there's no tomorrow, making it hard in particular to control ammonia and nitrites when the tank is new.
I would advise doing a fishless cycle when you set up their new tank, either that, or clone the tank. Sand IMHO is better than gravel with goldfish as they have been known to swallow gravel accidentally when searching for food :nod: .
A 30g is a bit too cramped for 3 goldies; that is the minimum for 2 fancies, and the long tailed gray sounds like a comet, which will get big. Remember, fancy goldfish can grow to a good 8-12in each, and commons/comets to more like 12-24in. That's a lot of big, active fish for one 30g. My suggestion would be to go with something larger right off the bat instead of waiting to upgrade, as constantly changing a fish's environment is stressful. Plus you'll have to start all over again with cycling, and by the time they are big enough to need moving, they'll probably be having some serious ammonia issues.
Remember to buy a powerful filter - I suggest a canister filter that is at least double the strength the tank "needs" - and (a) strong bubbler(s). Goldfish leach oxygen from the water like mad, especially when they are crowded, and have high oxygen needs as a species in general. UGFs and surface area just don't cut it for these guys.
If you do gravel, please use LARGE gravel, as goldies sometimes eat the stuff. Sand would work, too, but I could see it complicating cleaning to some extent. And go for fake plants or something highly unapetizing; they will munch most live plants into oblivion, and while it is great behavioral enrichment, it is hard on the pocket book!
Out of curiosity, what do you feed? I ask because the fancies mean flakes and freeze-dried foods are a huge no-no, and pellets should be pre-soaked. Frankly, I think fancies do better with plenty of fresh leafy greens and other live foods, though pellets are important for whole nutrition.
My next door neighbour said she will take the silver one for her pond. Is this ok? And, what would be the min for a black moor and a fantail.


20 gallon for the two fantails and as for the pond do you know how many fish are alredy in it and the size of it. You dont want it to go into an overcrowded pond from an overcrowded tank.
Its 13 foot long, not sure how deep. There are 13 normal goldfish biggest is 6 inches smallest about 3.


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