Is this common?


New Member
Jun 7, 2005
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virginia beach,va
ok one of my large females, i got her at the pet shop and she is over 3 inches not counting tail, maybe she is a half giant.

anyway princess (the five year old named her :lol: ) likes to rest on a plant with her back hanging out of the water, sometimes she even lays on her side on this leaf,
has anyone else seen this?

i will post pics as soon as i get a good one, its actually cute, just wanted to make sure this wasnt a sign that something may be wrong!!!!
one of my boys simon hops up on top of the plants and lays on them an half of him is above water i was also wondering if it is bad for them i poke him back down and he just goes back up there
Ah the strange ways of the bettas. They're funny critters. I have no idea if it is normal or not, but I'd keep an eye on them, and mybe raise the water level a bit so they can't do this. No one wants dried out bettas.
One of mine beached himself just last night, I don't think he really noticed his back was out of the water until I poked it and scared the daylights out of him. ^^ I think he was sleeping.
hey, my female sweety does the same thing, cept she just rests there and is completely submerged. silly bettas with there being tired-ness.
Lol, over at the betta rescue (my friend's house), she has all these big leafy silk plants in their tanks, and they LOVE to lie on the topmost one and poke out of the water. One will even let you "pet" his head for a few seconds before he goes down for another swim! :p
I caught one of my girls doing this today .... it scared the DAYLIGHTS out of me cause I thought she was dead ! I ended up sticking my finger in the tank and scaring the daylights out of HER! :rofl:
i tried to get a pic of her doing it in a smaller bowl, hopefully you guys can see what i mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yea mine does that to on his plant he beaches him self on the leaf and his back sticks out i touch him he swims away soon to come back and do it again though. so mysterious to me. :thumbs:
Cute picture :D One of my males does this too. We also have a whole slew of princess names here in our tank.


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