Is This Angel Fish?

A lot of people (and I'm ... ... ... much space fish "really need"... lol.

True, but I still feel bad - I want to know how long those fish have had to live in their "transport bag of a tank".

~ Wonderboy!
Its just the tank, chances are that they are selling it because the fish are long dead. A lot of people think that because the fish physically fit they will be fine.
They should make a law against that sort of thing. :angry:
A lot of people (and I'm ... ... ... much space fish "really need"... lol.

True, but I still feel bad - I want to know how long those fish have had to live in their "transport bag of a tank".

~ Wonderboy!

Probably about half a day, until they settled in & colored up for the picture. I’ll bet they went back into their normal tank after they took a look at the pics & thought they had some good ones.

There is no way those angels grew to look like that in a tank that small. You would see some obvious signs of stunting, and the fins would be incredibly out of wack.

It does portray the wrong idea to the buyer, but so do many other advertising schemes, and not only aquatics. Beer commercials go to some real extremes with this.

Before you think there should be laws against putting a larger fish in a smaller tank temporarily, go to a bowl show, where fish are shown and judged. You will see angels like that in a 1 or 2 gallon bowl, large cichlids in a 10-gallon, and so forth. These show winning fish often go on to a life of breeding, and are where your better ornamental tropical fish come from. Before the 6 to 8 hour period when they are being shown & judged they live a better life than most captive fish. A smart aquarist conditions their fish to be shown as well, they are used to being put in a bowl and having commotion around them. Showing fish is something that is not often touched upon here, or on other forums. It is very similar to showing dogs, training, conditioning for being shown, and just as many tricks to each.

So before anyone goes worrying too much, those fish just might be doing what they are accustomed to doing.
no supprise as there are like many more people out there who dont give a crap about their fish once they got them. but oh well.

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