Fish Crazy
My fish have did not eat anything yesterday. I have been feeding them frozen brine shrimp at night, and Omega brand fish flakes at night. I have also been putting Melafix in the water for fungus. One of my fish died this mornig. I took some water to the fish store to get it tested. They said that the ph was very low (6.0). I went home, changed some water, and tested it again. It was a little better (6.4). Then I went back and asked if there was anything else I could do to correct the ph. They told me to clean the gravel. So I got a gravel siphon, and started cleaning the gravel. It was filthy. Pretty soon, the entire tank was cloudy with the stuff in the gravel. I tested the ph again, and as I expected, it had gone back to 6.0. What should I do to correct this? Would it be easier to just buy a new tank? The tank is 50 gallons, the nitrite and ammonia levels are both at 0, I have several Congo tetras, 2 corys, 2 mollies, a kuhlii loach, a black tetra, and several other tetras and small fish that I can't find in the book.