is this an albino catfish?


Fish Fanatic
May 19, 2005
Reaction score
England, Hampshire

if this is not an albino catfish what is it?

many thanx
If the eyes are red (clear pink), then they it's likely to be. Though can't see they eyes -_-
They are cetainly albino - as to what Cory they are, I don't know.
They look like Bronze to me though I suppose they could be Peppered. The pics are kind of blurry and I don't have my glasses. :p I still think they are bronze though.
My eyes aren't that bad. :) What I meant is those look like an albino strain of Bronze cories. It's a normally recessive genetic disorder but with certain tank raised species, it's quite common. In the case of Bronze cories, I think albinos out number the regular colored cories 2 to 1 in the shops.
Hi lvlyldyuk - It all fits into place - They are albino Corys (which are a catfish)
As said above they a probubly the albino version of the Bronze corys.

Tieing this to the other thread it sounds like you've got them spawning too - Well done.

What else is in the tank?
Hopefully they wont eat the eggs themselves (althought they might)

By now they may well have started hatching! any fry spotted?
yes they are albino cories and not channel catfish as you first thought LOL

good luck with the spawn
they may not be C. aneus
they could be C. paleatus :dunno:
either way definately a cory
Ye definatly albino corys, feed them algae wafers and catfish pelets- the eggs they lay will hatch out within 5-8 days time although will almost certainly get eaten if you have any other non-cory fish in the tank, the fry though are virtually see-through and very tiny and will get trapped in that gravel though...

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