Is This A Suitable Tank

Well larger spaces make bettas stressed (except when you are about to breed, then you will need a large tank) Even a jar would make a normal male betta happy. That tank should be more than sufficient. As long as he has enough space to swim, and stretch.

Well I have my two boys in a divided 10gal tank and they use every inch of it, they aren't the least bit shy or stressed. Bettas needing small tanks is definately a myth.

However, as long as you keep up on the water changes that tank looks fine Andyboy.
My boy Ghengis is in a 10 gall and he loves it. i've tried to get him to share but its his castle and thats the end of it. :rolleyes: He used to live in a vase in the pet shop.

One of my bettas is in a 60Litre tank and he adores it, uses every inch and loves investigating! my other bettas have a 28L tank each and enjoy them too Imho no such thing as too much space for a betta, just because they can live in small spaces doesn't necessarily mean they enoy it.
Well larger spaces make bettas stressed (except when you are about to breed, then you will need a large tank) Even a jar would make a normal male betta happy. That tank should be more than sufficient. As long as he has enough space to swim, and stretch.

Please tell me youre joking
I agree that more space is better, i mean they come from rice feilds (im pretty sure...), thats got to be a lot of room right? they defend territory, large territory, against other males, so you have to think they would patrol it, or swim around in it checking for other trespassing males. putting a betta or any other fish in something smaller then one gallon is just mean, its like what walmart does to their bettas. id even argue against anything smaller then a five gallon, but a one gallon is better then a tiny cup or something. im sure he'll be fine.
My male betta has a 7 gallon tank to himself, and he uses every inch of it. However, betta's get sold in a local fish shop in a vase type thing and apparently(not sure if it's true) don't need a heater, Before we bought the bigger tank, and had to seperate the betta we had him in a kids goldfish tank(one of those illuminus(sp?) ones) without a heater. He was fine in there as well - of course, it took a while transferring him into the 7 gallon heated tank because I was worried about him getting shocked from heat changes.

They seem to be pretty hardy animals, and yes - one of the assistants at Dobbies said he has seen people come in with them in pickle jars because they ate their fish :crazy: poor things.

I think the tank would be alright for a short period of time, but definitely not a permanent home for the betta.
I'm an expert by no means but the bettas I've had over the last 3 yrs. stay in 2 1/2 containers on up, usually no smaller than my 3 gal. critter keeper. I live in Pennsylvania (just moved from Illinois)and most of my tanks are either given to me or found at garage or yard sales for pennies on the dollar, so I don't have to pay an exceptional amount of money for my bettas homes. I have noticed lately 10 gallon tanks in this area go for about $1.00 at a yard sale, which is a great price, of course alot of them have had rodents in them but I usually take the chance, take them home, clean, bleach and check for leaks before using them with fish.
Personally I think the size that you have would probably work just fine as long as he's kept intertained and water changes every 3 to 4 days. I like at least 3 gallons for my bettas and like others said I do think they like larger tanks, my 1 male at the moment is in a 5 gallon all by himself with some aquarium decor and he seems to injoy the room to swim and play in.
I agree that they love the space. My two are in 5 gal tanks and they love it. Swim around all day...well one does. The other Ivan is not doing so well.. But when he was better and young he loved it!! It is cruel to see them in those stupid plastic cups at PetSmart and Walmart. I just want to buy them all so they don't have to live in such a tiny space. And when we went and got Ghost they all seemed as though they were starving. So we went by each one dropping in the food we were getting for Ghost and watched them attack it like they hadn't eaten for days!! It was so sad, but I'm getting off topic. I think the bigger the better IMHO :)!!
I have a single male in a 10 with an otto. I know a guy with a single betta in a 20 long. They like to sleep near the surface so you need to provide a platform like a large leafy plant or man made object. but ignore the "too large" comments.

Well larger spaces make bettas stressed (except when you are about to breed, then you will need a large tank) Even a jar would make a normal male betta happy. That tank should be more than sufficient. As long as he has enough space to swim, and stretch.

Well I have my two boys in a divided 10gal tank and they use every inch of it, they aren't the least bit shy or stressed. Bettas needing small tanks is definately a myth.

However, as long as you keep up on the water changes that tank looks fine Andyboy.
My betta is in a 3g tank, and while a lot of people might call him spoiled, I don't think I personally will consider it enough room for him until he has at least 5g's. He's gotten a lot bigger since I first bought him, and with his decoration and plant in there, it's really not that much swimming room.

The fact is, the smaller the tank, the more that can go wrong. With the cycle, with the water, and ultimately with the fish. In a 1g unfiltered, unheated tank, you're going to have to do 100% water changes regularly and make sure your little guy doesn't get too cold. I wouldn't muck with anything smaller than a 3g after what little experience I've had thus far.
All my boys are in 1.5 gals. exept for Diego, the dtpk who has a 2.5 gallon all to himself, and sadly he is my smallest betta, but, because hes a pk he can zip around and LOVES the extra space
My friend has that tank for the Betta I got her for mothers day. She says that the filter does not work to good.

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