Is This A Siamese Algae Eater?

looking though pics of flying foxes they have a black colouring to there fins which mine and the OP do not have therefore i'm sticking to SAE
Gee- I wish I knew what an SAE looked like :rolleyes:


The first pic IS an SAE so is the second and last pic. They are most likely C.langei the kind that actually will eat some BBA. There is no species called SAE(C.siamensis), but it is an umbrella term for C.atrilimes and C.langei and possibly one other. Flying foxes on the other hand have a distinct golden stripe above the black line and that line does not go through the tail.
:blush: :blush: Time to eat humble pie...... Looks like we've been talking crossed purposes here... This is one of those very rare moments where I was actually wrong.....

(Quote.... Richard Nixon:...... "I was not lying... I merely said something which was later proved to be not true"..... Unquote).... :lol: ....
:lol: now i know he is a SAE i will think about getting mine some friends, at the moment he hangs with the cories, but they look great in a group, good job i'm planning an upgrade soon :good:
Let's use the real name here. It could be a Crossocheilus siamensis not a Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus. The Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus aka flying fox has more color in the fins and the line. I had one I personally think the flying fox is a much better looking fish but the true sae is a way better cleaner.

here is my old "flying fox" when I got him I went crazy researching what he was because I wanted a sae.


Your fish is not a Epalzeorhynchus kalopterus. But it might not be a true Crossocheilus siamensis . The Crossocheilus nigriloba and Crossocheilus langei look a lot alike.

Common names get confused it's best to use the scientific name when we I'd fish.

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