is this a good fert or a heavily planted tank?

I am using it, and have been for over 10 years. Now that this has come to light, I will give it some "deep thought." :dunno: I may get a bottle of the FlorinMulti next time I need a new bottle (may be a while, I just bought a small bottle of FC last week as I was getting low). But if you are asking my advice, I would in honesty say to use the FlorinMulti if you can get it, rather than Flourish Comprehensive. But in the final analysis, either will likely do the job. How's that for being indecisive! :unsure:
I'll see what mt LFS has. They'll probably only have flourish but I'll have to see. :) Thanks for all the help.
To be clear the FlorinMulti is this correct?:
There are some misunderstandings here. Calcium is a macro-nutrient, not a micro-nutrient, essential for cell structure. The Seachem Flourish Comprehensive Supplement and the Flourish Tabs are low in calcium because most areas have calcium in their water supply. I have zero GH/KH here, and calcium has in the past been insufficient even with just the liquid, but using the tabs as well improved my swords and cleared up the calcium deficiency. I was using Equilibrium to provide the calcium (primariy) but when a marine biologist suggested this was not good for my fish, I switched over to the tabs and found they did the job.

Potassium is, I agree, also a macro-nutrient. However, plants absorb potassium from the water and not from the substrate via roots. Hiscock hypothesizes that potassium in the substrate may increase the availability of ammonium to plant roots.

Copper is a micro-nutrient, and a key part of enzymes that facilitate respiration inplants. Plants absorb copper through their leaves and roots, although humic acids and organics in the substrate often bind with copper and other metals, making them unavailable for uptake by plants. Tap water may contain sufficient copper, but obviously not in very soft water or RO.

Nickel is another micro-nutrient, used by aquatic plants as an ion in extremely tiny amouonts in the production of the enzyme urease which breaks down the nitrogenous compound urea into ammonia. Apparently it is normally present in tap water and excesses or deficiencies should not occur in the majority of aqwuaria.

Sodium is odd, I had not bothered about this previously, but your comment sent me searching and I think it is necessary. The website of the Royal Society of Chemistry has this about sodium (Na):
Sodium is essential to all living things, and humans have known this since prehistoric times. Our bodies contain about 100 grams, but we are constantly losing sodium in different ways so we need to replace it. We can get all the sodium we need from our food, without adding any extra.​
I can see that plants being living things are unlikely to be getting sodium unless we add it.
NPK nitrogen phosphate and potassium are considered macro nutrients because thats what the hobby says plants use the most of, which im not sure is true, and then everything else is considered micro not sure if there is a general scientific consensus on this or not, seems every " scientist" has their own take on it as well as do every hobbyist. Ive read so much conflicting info from scientists and hobbyists that it can be a little over whelming and difficult to discern but i appreciate the objective aporoach you take and appreciate the shared personal info, seems some hobbyists arent as willing to share the things they have learned in the hobby as if its a matter of national security so i appreciate your willingness to share. I didnt know that about potassium but that makes sense. I read from you before that ammonium is the most readily form of nitrate that plants absorb and ive always been cautious about dosing kn03 or any other form of nitrates and seems the best way to increase ammonium up take is by increased potassium? In theory at least.
Agree, Flourish Comprehensive Supplement is not harmful to any fish, invertebrate or plant if used minimally, or as directed, but no more. Overdosing can cause serious issues for fish and plants.

Flourish Excel is the toxic chemical that will usually kill Vallisneria (and some other species) at recommended doses, and if this gets overdosed it can kill plants, fish and bacteria. It is a strong disinfectant. It will burn your skin if you get splashed.
Agree, Flourish Comprehensive Supplement is not harmful to any fish, invertebrate or plant if used minimally, or as directed, but no more. Overdosing can cause serious issues for fish and plants.

Flourish Excel is the toxic chemical that will usually kill Vallisneria (and some other species) at recommended doses, and if this gets overdosed it can kill plants, fish and bacteria. It is a strong disinfectant. It will burn your skin if you get splashed.

Good to know. I wont get that then.

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