Is This A Good Deal ?

I still think its Abit Steap in price i payed £20 for mine with no marks at all on it but maybe ime wrong you might get that for it.
Just The Tank And Its Of A Site I'm Not Goin put It Thow As I Don't Feel Like Getting Band From Here lol.
Thing is, if you have an empty tank with nowt in, its taking up a lot of space. Many people look to give theirs away for peanuts (or free) just to have their living rooms free again once they tire of the hobby or upgrade. You can't expect to make that much back, you could but a new tank for less than that. Personally I might pay £150, if it was the specific tank I wanted. Unfortunately bigger tanks are harder to sell as people are less willing and able to transport them which is reflected in the number of potential bidders and ultimately the price.

If you split it up, sell everything separately, you may get more. You might think for instance a barely used testing kit is worth a tenner but to someone who has one or doesn't know what they do then it won't add anything on to the price. Sold separately it might get you that £10. Same goes for filter, decor etc. Fish in general appear to lower the price of the tank because a prospective buyer has to get rid of them before they can stock it themselves. Make it clear it is the tank only an no inhabitants.

I prefer to see pictures once the tank is broken down and cleaned up. For instance your substrate/decor is the polar opposite to what I like and I wouldn't want to pay hundreds for something then have to do all the work removing it!

If the cabinet comes with it, show it. Most people won't want an ugly cabinet that doesn't fit in with the rest of their furniture, or they won't be allowed one! Nor will they be able to come up with their own to hold a 90gal. I wouldn't buy a ank if I couldn't see the cabinet including an inside shot.

Also you might want to change the title in case of misunderstanding - unless it comes with a protein skimmer and live rock it doesn't have all you need for saltwater and you could find yourself in a sticky situation if someone bids without reading.

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