Is This A Good Deal...


Feb 16, 2006
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Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
on aquabid there is a male VT for sale $4 + $14 for shipping, the winner of the auction also gets 4 unsexed plakets. I emailed the owner about what the plakets look like and he responded with;


The baby plakats are shinny copper like to blue and red like wild type.

Thanks for looking

SO I emailed back asking for pictures, no response yet, but I just emailed about 20 min ago. Do you guys think this is a good deal? Also would anyone be interested in the male VT or 2 plakets, I'd really just like 2 of them, and they are free.

It's so cheap I may do it anyway even if the owner doesn't email me back with pictures
on aquabid there is a male VT for sale $4 + $14 for shipping, the winner of the auction also gets 4 unsexed plakets. I emailed the owner about what the plakets look like and he responded with;


The baby plakats are shinny copper like to blue and red like wild type.

Thanks for looking

SO I emailed back asking for pictures, no response yet, but I just emailed about 20 min ago. Do you guys think this is a good deal? Also would anyone be interested in the male VT or 2 plakets, I'd really just like 2 of them, and they are free.

It's so cheap I may do it anyway even if the owner doesn't email me back with pictures
I'd love some but I'm in the UK :no:
I'll take two plakats, but only if they are really plakats. That's if you are going to get them. I don't want to pressure you into the deal. I have to say though that I think perhaps you'd be better off looking for plakats, I don't know anyhing about the seller but I'm on the less than trusting side when it comes to people who are selling things.
I second going ahead and looking for 2 female Plakats... you could get BEAUTIFUL Plak girls from Synirr, for free! (plus shipping of course)

Weren't you selling a VT boy for lack of room? I wouldn't really trust some one who breeds VT's... personally. Unless it was a rescue thing, but I'm guessing it wasn't. :/
splash! i just bred a vt to hm female. does that mean you wouldn't trust me? ;) there's nothing wrong with breeding vts. Just because people on this forum prefer non-vt doesn't mean most people do. I'd have to say a large percentage of bettas bought overall are vt based on the large numbers bought at pet stores.

Because they're the main tail type sold in stores, this doesn't make them not worth breeding. If people are breeding quality vt's, then they're helping to make the vt strains nicer!

Yeah I was selling him, but my friends going to take him so I can stilll see him whenever. I have the 2 girls I'm getting from you coming and I'm on the lookout for a HM male and a CT male and female pair, so I'm kind of lacking in room at the moment. Also Gabe, (the VT) seems to be very sensitive to water quality and college I'm at doesn't have the best water, the person I'm giving him to has a lot better water and everything. :D
I got a male and female from him last summer or fall. There was a big dust up about him advertising VTs as plakats. The "yellow long tail plakat" that I recieved from him was suppose to look like the one pictured; it doesn't. It is yellow and has a tail, but it is some kind of cross. The boy he is advertising looks like the one he said was the father, so chances are he is breeding haphazardly and you may not get what he says. The female platinum I got from him was a self mutilater and slowly chewed off ALL her fins to nubs and died.

I agree with splashluff. We have some awesome spawns on the forum and you will be better informed what you get.

I have a feeling you will be more satisfied with this supplier/breeder if you want a fighter. BUt I am speculating.
If it were me, and JollySue said that to me, I wouldn't buy from that seller! :)

If I'm not mistaken the seller is originally from Thailand, and over there they still show VTs, so just because he breeds VTs doesn't mean anything. That male is what you call a cellophane though, not yellow.

I'm getting a package from him tomorrow, unless the postal service is slow, with 6 copper plakat juvies plus extras, so we'll see how they are. I'll let you guys know ;)
Yeah, he has good feedback on AB. He packaged good and seemed to care about his fish. But I was a little annoyed about the platinum as she was a little rough looking when I got her and now know it is because she chewed on herself. Then the boy never developed the cellophane fins or the long fins, so I am now a little suspicious. I took his side before, and I don't want to misjudge him, but I don't want you disappointed, if you are trying to put together your first breeding pair.

With shipping they are costly and shipping priority in winter in New England is chancy, I think.
Hey, thanks for all of the replys, I've decided not to get them, It is a bit cold here to ship fish, and I already have two girlies coming in the mail next week. I am trying to get together my first breeding pair, but not having much luck. I do have Ericas girls coming, but I don't have any males and the girls are still a bit young. But I'll figure it out. I'm going pet shop exploring tomorrow so maybe I'll get lucky and find something nice.

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