Is this a ADF or a CF?

wwestar2000 said:
Whell the betta is like 3 times his size. He will not fit in the frogs mouth.
i would think so...but frogs, like fish, DO grow...and if you can live with a betta with missing fins and chunks out of their body, then fine... man, you alwaysss have to disagree with anything anyone else says...
That is an ACF, thats fer sure.
As for housing it with a betta...hmmmm...betta will probably pick on him, and vice versa.
Clawed frogs will try to eat anything, even if its too big.
When I first got mine, he was 'bout the size of a "ADF" and he treid to eat my goldies that were 4-6 inches long.
You can imagine what that looked like.

I would see my goldie's come whipping from the back of the tank with this tiny lil frog clamped onto they're tails.

Looked like the frog was having more fun than actually trying to eat em.

But anyways, I would bring it back and exchange it or house it in a bigger tank by itself.

ACFs and ADFs look very similar when they are young, but the ACFs grow fast and get very ugly very quickly

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