Okay I've gotten a bit off subject, As for the subject getting your system stable and keeping it there is a great thing to do before you start in on moderately difficult critters like echinoderms.
Nav, can you split this topic up into two? one on subject one regarding the starfish issues
"Whilsdt you might have a starfish that looks great and I hope that it will stay that way, the same stafish can die from a water inbalance from 12 months earlier in its life."
i dont disagre with much of the advice (apart from that bit above) my issue is that i dont agree with the standard "wait 6 months..." approach with no alternative given because its not realistic to expect joe bloggs to do that - i belive in decent infomation to let people achive as near to what they want as possible. If someone WANTS a starfish NOW and im saying wait 2 months they may wait...you tell them to wait 6 and they will think "sod it" and buy it now anyway even more so when the LFS says its fine.
i think a lot of the "ideal" advice causes more problems for stock than it helps because its unrealistic...not incorrect but unrealistic.