Have you ever heard the term better to be safe than sorry? Well most of the animals in our reef tanks come from real coral reefs and it’s intensely important that everyone who is not an arrogant (Words filled with rage) should endeavor to not encourage newbies to take risks. Sure if you go to great lengths and set up a tank just right you will have balance from month one, but most of the time that is the result of A) extreme luck or B) an extremely rare setup circumstance (i.e., buying LR and LS from an established tank and getting the right number of scavengers) but what you don’t seem to realize is that virtually no one has a stable tank after only a month, most reef keepers are still getting die off from their LR at 1 month sure the majority wont have any fluctuations that will kill a starfish at 3 months but still too many will, You being an exception to the general guideline doesn’t make the general guideline worthless, I had a puffer fish in with long finned Danios in a FW system and the long finned Danios managed to not get nipped that doesn’t mean that puffers don’t eat fins it means that in this case that didn't happen. The fish I had before it nipped the long fins every now and then, and the one before that, this puffer was just exceptional.
Also, the pH monitoring doodad in your tank, while it is really cool is also a lot more money than most reef keepers want to spend. Nav. was talking about the typical new reef setup, he doesn't know anything about your setup, he hasn't ever taken a water sample or watched your fish for signs of stress or anything, talking about your own tank isn't going to have any weight on his argument.