is there such a fish?....

spAcE mOnkEy

Fish Addict
May 12, 2004
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i just wanted to know if there was any small algae eater fish that wouldnt get big, like a pleco. i would get algae eaters but they can get big and they also eat the slime coat off fish. is there such a fish that would stay small and eat algae? i would also like to know if there are fish that eat other fish waste. i have a pleco that leaves long strings of poo and i would like to get rid of them by other ways than using a cyphin. i would also like to know if the CHAT thing isnt working now.........
well there are some varieties of plecos that stay smaller then the common plec. such as the bristlenose. how small were you wanting it to be. as far as waste goes i have to mystery snails in my tank and they eat everything that makes its way onto the gravel including fish waste and uneaten food.
i wanted it to be able to fit in a 15 gal.... i know think mystery snails would be ok but dont they eat plants?
otos are nice little algae eater. they get about 2 inches. peaceful little guys too
otos stay pretty tiny, but won't eat poo, don't know of any fish that will
there is no fish that will eat poo. thats where you come in space, you and your gravel vac :lol:
I have a small 1 inch "algae eater" in my 20 gal.that just the generic name.Its not a plec but it definitly eats algae its brown with little darkbrown spots. Its small but i dont know what it really is
i dont know if this belongs here or in the stupid fish thread but one of my mollies actually tries to eat my snails poo. ive seen her do it several times. i know its not the norm but it does happen.
try a flying fox

they not only eat green,but brown algae...are small and quick
I'd have to agree with karrihug and MAM and recommend an Otocinlus. They stay small(2in), do a good job, are pretty hardy, and aren't aggressive at all. But you could also try a Rubber-lipped Pleco. They only get 5in where as others get up to 18in.
I have a Bristlenose catfish and he does a fine job at housekeeping. Just alge though! :alien:
try a flying fox

they not only eat green,but brown algae...are small and quick

They are quick but not particularly small - up to 6 inches and because they are fast they really need a larger tank than a 15g. They are also territorial.

I agree that a bristlenose or a couple of otos would be a better option.
Definatly otocinclus catfish because they are community and stal small. People are saying 2 inches but I read that they grow 1 - 1 1/2 inches long... i guess it depends what kind you get...
They are a shoaling fish but I keep them alone, not enough algea other wise...

I have 2 flying foxes and they are fine together because they are still juvaniles. When they grow their full length (4 inches) I'm sure I'll have to seperate them.

As for the algea eater that eats slime... It's not the siamese flying fox it is the chinese algea eater (or siamese, now that I think about it, I can't remember... -_- )

So anyway, I recommend the otocinclus species, very nice :D

For your poo problem, I read some where that cories kind of clean up when there is no other food source... but with any animal you have poo from that creature and i don't think that any poo eater would eat it's own poo...

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