Is there anyway to induce pregnancy?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2005
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Just curious if there is anyway to induce pregancy in guppies. My sick female looks like she's on her way out but she's hugely bloated with fry. If i can't save her i'd like to see if I can try to save the fry.

I know they can do it with salmon, i was curious about tropical fish :p
Not sure what you could do really never heard of it.
A: Most livebearers will give birth every 30 to 45 days. Sometimes they will “hold” fry for a while. Be patient. With some livebearers, water changes can help induce birth, so make sure to keep up with your weekly water changes. Mollies will often give birth with the addition of a little salt to the tank. Livebearer females can hold sperm. So even if you have no males around, she may have up to 4 batches of fry. Take this time to prepare for the fry by either getting a breeding trap or setting up a fry tank.
If she looks like she is going to could cut her upen, but you might kill the fry..I wouldn't do anything. Although, if you find her floating, you could try it...because the fry would die anyway. Don't do it unless you have to! :blink:
Well i took her out of the main tank yesterday before i went to bed because she was trying to bury herself in teh gravel and rocks. So i took her out in to a jar with a little air bubbler. She looks really sick but not acting sick, you know what i mean since she's been in the separate tank. I think i'll wait and see if she gives birth on her own. Though if she does die, it might be kinda interesting to see if i can see-section the fry out lol :lol:

Her spot is just so big, i'm saying give birth and therefore you can use all your energy for you not your fry in your belly!
i would just wait till she gives birth but if she does die it would be worth a guppy was pregnant (i didnt no this until she gave birth) and she had tail rot i think she new she wasnt going to make it so she had her babies before she was ment to then 2 days after she had gave birth to 11 fry she died :rip:
no you cannot get the fry out once she dies because the fry die wen the mother does!!!

try turning up the temperature because that can help teh fry to develop
One way is to stress a very pregnent female and she may give birth earlier.Once i had a female so pregnent that she burst open(birthing whole) and the fries came out.They all were premature and thus out of 13 fries,only 2 survived.

So inducing pregnancy is not a good thing unless it is necessar eg.(your female is wasting away and thus you induce pregnancy and the female gets so thin till it dies)
Raise the tank temp to 26 degrees if its not already at that temp and do a 10 to 20% water change every day- if she's not in a breeding net make sure the tank has some realy heavily planted areas for her and the fry to hide in(when they are born) and feed her some TetraMinfry or hikari "first bites"- these are primarily fry foods but are very high in nutrition and the more nutrion she gets the longer she'll be able to hold on/stay alive and the faster the fry will be able to develop. Also feeding her some vegetable based foods like shelled cooked peas of algae wafers/tablets will help speed up her digestion which also seems to help the pregnant fish deliver fry.

If there aern't any male guppys in the tank, it may be worth moving one in with her as i have found female guppys will hold on to fry less longer if there is a male in the tank already to mate with her.
Well last night I gave my Pregnant molly plenty of freezedried bloodworms and she ate every last one,I woke up this morning to find 27 fry.She didnt even look that big :p .
Right now she's sitting on a heating pad, i dont actually have a heater, but it seems to doing an okay job.

I have to keep turning off and on the bubbler, she sometimes gets caugh in the flow because her one pectoral fin doesn' t work.

I tried to feed her some bloodworms but she hasnt looked at food for the past few days :( A non -hungry guppy that's not good :-(
the salt is supposed to help with moving the pregnancy along. I might make her feel alittle better too
The Guppy is not really a livebearer(Vivipar), but an ovovivipar. This means that the young ones are still inn the egg inside her, but the egg bursts immideately when the come out.
I have on several occasions helped dead guppys deliver, and sometimes it works fine if you are quick(but often not)

i guess you'd have too :/

Actually she looks like she may be recovering, the white stuff she had on her looks like it may be gone, i have to do a water change and a double check of course but if that's the case she can go back in the big tank with her boy :wub: and give birth there.

Well i changed the water and went to go have dinner and she was dead :(
So i did try to actually operate on her, i was curious and dissecting a fish just over a inch long is hard to do :/ But sadly the fry were not very far developed, they were just yokes :p

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