Is There Anything Else I Need To Start Planting?

Hmm.. so should I just stick with the seachem root tabs?
I would say with the play sand, that the root tabs would be safer.
Alright, seachem roots tabs.
So seachem flourish, seachem flourish excel, and seachem root tabs- will that make happy platns?
That will still depend on the lighting.  What's your lighting?
Low light tanks don't need much more than just fish poo as fertilizer.  High light tanks need carbon, ferts, etc.
3 watts per gallon. I also read somewhere that planted tanks don't need daily water changes, just one 20% every month or so?
3wpg is high lighting, normally although photosynthetically available radiation is actually more important, but I would suspect that you would need to dose carbon and ferts with that lighting.  It will probably take some tinkering to get the right levels of light, carbon and ferts.
Seachem flourish is just trace elements, you'll probably need some NPK ferts as well.
Okay, NPK is also available by seachem.
Can you think of anything else I need to keep in mind?
Keep a close eye for algae.  Algae is the key to unlocking what you're either deficient in or have an excess of...
Bookmark this page.  Eventually you'll get some algae, and this site will help you deal with it.
Yeah, one of my friends had a massive algae breakout and had to start over from scratch.. But anyway, thank you so much for all the information, Eagles :)

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