Is There A Way?


Oct 27, 2008
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Milton Keynes
Hi all,

I have bought 3 Cherry Shrimp today, and I asked my LFS if they could give me 2 females and 1 male, but they said they couldn't tell the difference until the female was carrying eggs, berried, I believe the term is.

I have now got them in my tank, after acclimatizing, and adding a bit of water, then releasing. i was wondering, is there any more definite of determining the gender? As if I have 3 males, or 3 females, i would like to add some of the other sex, just to get the population up a bit.

Thanks, D.
yes there is, females are the very vivid red colour, and the males are generally a VERY pale pink. and almost like a whitey colour

One last question I can think of at the moment, I can only see two of them at the moment, and they are at the very top of the tank, on the side of my Juwel internal filter, should I be worried? Or is this natural? Should they be scurrying around the bottom?

Thanks, D.
Mine go everywhere declan-the filter -bottom- rocks - when you have more they will come out more and not be so shy.(If you want plenty give me a shout)
if you have plants you willnever see all o them, i have about 50 and only ever see about 5 at a time, they should scurry everywhere, theyre scavangers
Young shrimps are hard to sex, especially ones in LFS. They normally colour up a bit more when settle down in your tank. When first introduced, they tend to hide a bit until they become more familiar with the new environment. Mine are mostly out and about even with dwarf puffers on patrol :lol:

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