Is There A Safe Way To Cut Corals?


Fish Crazy
Jun 6, 2009
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hey all,

one of my buddies has a huge colt coral in his tank, but its now dwarfing everything and covers almost the entire top half of tank!!

he was waiting for it to split, but it doesnt appear to be doing so

what we were trying to find out is if there is a safe way to cut the coral and split it?

all we can find so far is that yes its possible, and you just use a sharp scalpel blade!

anyone done this or thinks it is something do-able?
Its really easy, you can even use a sharp pair of scissors :good:

Seffie x

As above, it may seem brutal but the coral will be fine, just use a scalpel, or scissors and go all edward scissor hands on the branches :eek: :lol:
One thing i remember from fragging colts is they are a pita to attach to rocks/frag plugs, i think i ended up using elastic bands.
My partners dad has a masive coral thing in his marine tank, the LFS just said to take it out, chop it up and put it back in on a bit of rock where you want it.

I think, if it gets too big then you can take your unwanted bits to your LFS who may swap them for other corals/fish (well they do around here anyway :) )

well, he said i could have the other bits, so i win :)

cool, thanks guys


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