Is There A Filter Better Than Fluval 3+?


Fish Crazy
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
York, UK
I have a Fluval Roma 125 tank with a Fluval 3+ filter. The water went cloudy a couple of days ago and there is quite a bit of slimy greyish algae stuff clinging to plants and sides etc. We're not sure the filter is working properly, as it often blocks and rattles, so would like to replace with a different filter. What would be the best to get?

have you tried replacing the impellor? if the LFS doesn't have it they can order in for you. if its ratling etc, then thats probably the cause- a too old impellor.
I love my Eheim classic. It has great reviews and came recommended on a number of sites. I must say I am very happy with it so far.
i love the plus (+) range fluvals,, they do what it says on the tin!
U4 i have now and i hate it! no room for extra media and very awkward
If you specifically want an internal filter, I have just bought an aquaball, its fantastic. The design allows you to direct the flow in any direction and it has 360 degree filtration. You can also add additional baskets.
The 3+ filter is nothing but a sponge filter in a plastic casing. It is fine for what it is but is far from a good quality mechanical filter. Any canister or even most HOB filters are better mechanical filters. The 3+ is a lot like my 4+, it is a fine biological filter but is not much more. The algae coating you are seeing on things will not be solved by any filter at all. That is something for you, the tank cleaner, to deal with.
The 3+ filter is nothing but a sponge filter in a plastic casing. It is fine for what it is but is far from a good quality mechanical filter. Any canister or even most HOB filters are better mechanical filters. The 3+ is a lot like my 4+, it is a fine biological filter but is not much more. The algae coating you are seeing on things will not be solved by any filter at all. That is something for you, the tank cleaner, to deal with.

I don't have a problem with cleaning the tank, I'm just worried that this slimy algae coating, different to any other algae I've had so far, has suddenly appeared. Although the water is testing as fine, the tank looks far from fine and I am worried this is linked to the rattle in the filter and the filter not doing its job properly.

Can anyone give me an idea of the sort of price I can expect to pay for a good filter? I've never had an external filter before and don't know anything about them, what should I be looking out for?

For a decent external probably £30-50. But I've got a range of fluvals running in my tanks (2+'s upto 4+'s) and by and large I think they're good filters.

Have you tried taking the powerhead apart and cleaning it out in tank water? And squeezing the sponges out in tank water a few times? Barring that the impeller might be at fault but would be cheap to replace. I'm all for more filtration, but you could solve the rattle and save yourself a few quid with 20 minutes work.

And the filter isn't the most likely candidate for algae.

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