Is the python actually worth it?

I'm glad I backtracked enough to find this thread; it's exactly what I need. For context: It's getting harder and harder for DH to do WCs using 5 gallon orange buckets, and I flat out can't carry the full buckets outside to dump in the garden much less lift them high enough to refill the 65 gallon. So the Python sounds like a potential solution. What I'm struggling with, is will a Python attach to my utility sink's faucet? I'm attaching a photo of the faucet and a closeup of the part of the faucet that points down into the sink (not a plumber, so I might not get the part names right!). There are no threads of any kind inside the faucet, so how would I attach a Python or Aqueon to this flared out faucet? (The faucet in the nearby kitchen sink is also flared and pulls out with a sprayer, so I think that's a no-go.) Maybe Colin's DIY method would work better, but I'm worried about whether I can push a 32 gallon garbage can full of treated water from the utility room to the fish tank by myself. I'd love some insight on how to make it work and thereby make my fish happier.


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Maybe try twisting the protruding metal ring at the bottom to see if it comes off?? Idk... That's the first thing I would attempt though
Maybe try twisting the protruding metal ring at the bottom to see if it comes off?? Idk... That's the first thing I would attempt though
Thanks, I definitely tried that right off that bat; it doesn't come off and it has no threads.
Thanks, I definitely tried that right off that bat; it doesn't come off and it has no threads.
Hmm... Then maybe there is a "key" for it... Ours has one. Their called aerator keys or something like that
But it doesn't look like yours does that 🤔

But maybe if you find out the brand and model you can see if there is a key for it
So, if it's a removable aerator, then I'm in luck? Off to try to figure out what brand of faucet it might be ...
If it's not removable you can't use the python there sadly

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