Is the forum slow today?

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I love being absolutely correct! It so rarely happens... :lol:

I currently have 23 tabs open on my elderly laptop, most of which have been open for more than a week, and I only run CCleaner when the computer is struggling so hard that I'm absolutely forced to. I'm the laziest when it comes to this stuff, and I'm impressed that anyone is that on top of things!
23 tabs???
Are we having technical issues today or is it just me? It’s taking about 3 minutes per click for anything to load. It’s taken 13 minutes to make this post. Nothing else is affected (iPhone).
No issues here and I've been online overhere for a couple of hours now.
I currently have 23 tabs open on my elderly laptop
I currently have 2 browsers open, 5 windows in one of them. 6 tabs in the first window, 6 in the second window, 1 in the third, 11 in the fourth, and one in the fifth. In the second browser, there's just one window and one tab.
There's also an Excel spreadsheet open. My taskbar is full!
I'd uncheck 'passwords' and 'form autofill data', if it were me...just so I wouldn't have to remember them every time, lol
But out of all those browsers and tabs, only 4 log-ins are needed on a regular basis (one of them is TFF), others I log into when I need to eg I only log in to eBay and Amazon when I want to buy something, I browse the sites logged out.
But out of all those browsers and tabs, only 4 log-ins are needed on a regular basis (one of them is TFF), others I log into when I need to eg I only log in to eBay and Amazon when I want to buy something, I browse the sites logged out.
Ahhh, I see...makes sense
Working great for me also
I have 26 open, but some of that is just laziness on my part. But I don’t have to log in to TFF, which today is saving me a few minutes, lol. It’s still very slow, but better than it was.
It’s gone slow again. Is there a way of clearing cache and cookies just for this forum?
That depends on your device and your browser. I know that some browsers on a Windows 10 PC allow deletion of specific cookies, but I think cache is all or nothing.

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