Is She Pregnant?


Fish Fanatic
Nov 23, 2007
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male on left/ female on right---this is what i think
Look how the female is ballooned up.


this is what i think is the male (ALSO, is that ich on his tail fin---i know its a bad picture, but look close. he has 2 white blotches on his tail though)

this is a better pic of the female (I think she is atleast) shes much bigger then the other one, and her bottom fin is much more spread, where his is narrower. Do you think that i have a male and female? i have had them for about 2-3 months now, and i havent seen any new fish?
I would say not pregnant, but deffinetly male and female, the female is the rounder one, and also you can see the males gonapodium, by his anal fin.
When your female is pregnant she will develop a dark gravid spot, which is a dark area above the fishes anal fin, which are actually the fry's eyes.
I would say not pregnant, but deffinetly male and female, the female is the rounder one, and also you can see the males gonapodium, by his anal fin.
When your female is pregnant she will develop a dark gravid spot, which is a dark area above the fishes anal fin, which are actually the fry's eyes.

is there a chance that she will get pregnant with out me doing anything?
Definitly pregnant, id say about 2 weeks before she drops. keep an eye on her after 1 week just incase its earlier.

They will breed every 4-6 weeks, when the male pierces her with his gonopdium (have sex in other words) the female can store sperm packets and have fry for up to 3-6 months from just one mating, even if you take the male out, she will continue to have fry every 4-6 weeks for up to for a few months at least.

This is the same for all livebearer fish although swordtails can be more at the 6 week mark rather than the 4 week.

Also, dont listen to most people about this gravid spot buisness, they are wrong, no desrespect to anyone by the way.

The gravid spot is always there, people just think it gets darker when pregnant but this is not the case, the gravid spot is always the same colour, it just appears darker because of the babies eyes like guppyman said, but its nothing actually to do with the gravid spot.

Even virgin females have got a gravid spot, i have 20 virgins ready to mate with a specific male, and they all got gravid spots, some draker than others, but i can garauntee you there not pregnant.

Hope this help ya
None of my light-coloured platies ever displayed a gravid spot and all of them have fry non-stop. I had a pale orange fish (similar in colour to yours but with some spots on her face and back) drop 85 fry without once showing a sign of it. It can be a very reliable indicator with guppies, endlers, and gambusia species, but not with platies, mollies or swordtails in my experience.

I think the fish is pregnant just by her shape - if she isn't pregnant she's much too fat. (It's possible, I have a male that looks a bit like that because the pet shop overfed him.) It's very hard to know.. I once declared that a fish would drop her fry within three days and she had 85 fry, two weeks later (that was my fish, mentioned above).
She is pregnant, around 1 to 2 week's along. Platie scan get weay bigger than that. The gravid spot is very reliable even with guppies, sword's, and platies. It isnt very reliable with mollies though, as they dont really have one. You know when thier ready to drop when they are recluse, and their stomachs have boxed off. Guppies are the only livebearer that i know of that show a gravid spot. So, guppy_man, not all livebearer's have gravid spot's, and they are a very good indicator of birth. I have 40-50 guppy fry right now, and not one of them are shwoing a gravid spot, or any color for that matter. Im sure they will aquire one with age. Also, they fry's eye's become more apparent when closer to birth, which is normally the gravid spot. Plus, as you say you have fry, have you noticed that close to birth, the gravid spot moves as the mom's stomach aquares off?
i am so glad that others have picked up on this gravid spot business,i have had guppies and plattys that have had fry without the gravid spot and virgin ones with gravid spots,i brought this up once and got told i was wrong,i have been breeding guppies and plattys for 8 years so i do actually know a fair bit about them lol
i am so glad that others have picked up on this gravid spot business,i have had guppies and plattys that have had fry without the gravid spot and virgin ones with gravid spots,i brought this up once and got told i was wrong,i have been breeding guppies and plattys for 8 years so i do actually know a fair bit about them lol

Well you can actually tell them back, they are wrong ;)
i am so glad that others have picked up on this gravid spot business,i have had guppies and plattys that have had fry without the gravid spot and virgin ones with gravid spots,i brought this up once and got told i was wrong,i have been breeding guppies and plattys for 8 years so i do actually know a fair bit about them lol

Well you can actually tell them back, they are wrong ;)

Yay im right about something then :good:

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