Is She Preggers? (Pics Inc)

My platy gave birth today too! I put her 4 fry in a breeding box. My other platies looked like they wanted to desperately eat the fry.
Darthaus12 said:
My other platies looked like they wanted to desperately eat the fry.
Yes, that's because they did want to.
Tanked46 said:
so its been 2 weeks ish since the platty lost her huge bump etc and untill now didnt see any sign of any fry etc but looking tonite my mum saw 1 fry to which about 10 mins later another 1 appeared in the other plant so so far we have seen 2 fry living in the plants (might be more) 
my question is do i leave them as they are and have been or do i now catch them and put in breeders box etc (i really wanna keep them alive to survive and live in tank) 
anyway hers pics
sorry not the best pics (dont know how to enlarge them if anyone knows let me know or i can email them to you for you to post) but you can just make them out
so happy seeing them 

btw last time i kept fry in breeders box (2) they died after like 3 weeks feeding them on liqiud fry 
i would say there 2 weeks old now as they got orange develpoed body and little tail altho jut woke and cant see them now (hope they still there) is it best to catch them and isolate them or let nature take its course? (they survived 2 water changes and the other fish till now) with me not knowing they was even in there 
ok decided that as they survived this long im gonna leave them last question i will ask is roughly how long before they start feeling safe enough to swim around the tank freely? at the moment they staying in and around the weeds and very low to the gravel when they come out but never to far from the weeds ?
update on fry so 1 fry survived till now and today its finally got confidence to join the others its such a nice feeling knowing you kinda raised it anyway heres some pics 
if pics to small to see let me know and maybe someone can help me make them bigger cos i have no idea 


  • platy1.jpg
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  • platy2.jpg
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  • platy3.jpg
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id say like roughly 6 weeks old now at a guess 

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