Is Our Lighting Sufficient And Should I Be Feeding?


Fish Crazy
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
North Yorkshire

Our tank has been running nicely since the beginning of February when we started the fuishless cycle and was planted mid feb. Cycle completed towards the end of March and we have been stocking since then.

The tank is fairly heavily planted with a sand substrate. Will post pic's later - but it has cabomba, vallis(normal and giant) amazons and other plants that I don't know the names of. All are aquatic (got rid of the non aquatics!) and all the plants are thriving - growing like billyoh!

The vallis have sent loads of runners off so is multuplying well and it's leaves are reaching the surface of the water. The Cabomba has to be trimmed regularly and the amazons are very lush. The red leaved plant is also flourishing. All the plants are reproducing well. We're not feeding them as yet but think I should be - but want something simple but effective.

The lighting we currently have is Arcadia - one would appear to be a marine light FMW38, the other a high ouput FW 4215. I belive both are 38watt T8. Are these lights OK - they're on for about 12 hours a day sometimes a bit more. We don't seem to have algea problems - the corydora and flying foxes are fed with wafers to ensure they get enough food. We get the odd bit of hair algea which I pull out, and the glass needs cleaning every week or so just to keep it crystal clear rather than because you can't see through it.

The only problem we do have are snails - brought in on plants! We're not infested but they are increasing. I'm treating that with Flubenol so hopefully they will be gone soon.

We do come from the if it aint broke camp - and things do seem to be going really well. The fish are very happy and healthy too - which is the main thing - but could it be better? Thoughts would be appreciated. :good:
i would cut the lighting to 10hrs.
add a weekly dose of seachem flourish or tropica plant nutrition+
this will keep the nutrients ticking over. if you do start to see defficiencies then consider dosing more frequently.

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