awesome and yes we do have quite similar tastes by the sounds of things if i was going to have a centre piece fish i would more than likely go with some kind of apistogramma or perhaps a gourami of some sort
heres a pic of what it looked like before i changed around recently
i kind of wish it was still in this way, but at the moment i have a lot more wood and a lot less plants i had a lot of trouble keeping my plants alive, so at the moment i have a few different bunch of crypts and a lot of java fern, i plan on fully planting my tank again though, think i can get it all right this time round cant wait to do it!
thanks lol lucky you, i guess i've just been through a load of plants seeing what does and doesn't work for me, i love crypts and they always work for me and most low light plants will go really well for me, i think i will just stick with mostly low light easy plants