Is My Tank Boring?

Your tank is exciting as you want it to be :)

I find mine exciting as I can never get it to look right or look clean because of my sand :crazy: Always having a fiddle :lol:
Tizer, not all of us have your prejudices. I really love my rare livebearers like Ameca splendens and my Characodon lateralis. Not everyone is limited to platies and similarly simple to keep fish. On the other hand, if you dismiss livebearers out of hand, you will never experience the great fish that I keep in my tanks. Many of my fish are either endangered or threatened fish based on the IUCN classifications. I have no particular merit as a fish keeper but by maintaining threatened and endangered species, I hope to make a difference. Can you say the same about the fish that you keep in your tanks?

Its very true, not everyone is limited to Platies/Guppies/Mollies and the like. But in general, when people are discussing live bearing fish on this forum, 9 times out of 10, these are the fish in question. Primarily because they are readily available from our local fish shops, stocked in huge numbers and are very pretty and attractive, especially to those new to the hobby. They are also easy to breed, which everyone enjoys seeing. I've owned a few in my time, mostly as a child, but these days, instead of seeing a colourful fish going mental around the tank popping out fry every 5 minutes, i like to sit and watch Dwarf Cichlids and their breeding behaviour more than anything else. To me, THAT is an interesting fish to watch.

I don't HAVE to like live bearing fish do i? It's not a requirement to be an active user on this forum is it?? I don't HAVE to care for endangered species to "make a difference"? Just because it might get your back up that i don't share the same taste in fish that you do, i don't see why i should be challenged over the fish i keep in my tanks?

Besides, i'm too busy breeding myself to help populate the world with beautiful people to really care all that much about endangered fish. maybe when i'm old and retired i'll revisit live bearing fish, you never know, i might find some i like.


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