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Yes your swordtail is pregnant. Livebearers (mollies, platies, swordtails & guppies) carry the developing babies for 1 month before giving birth to free swimming babies.
The best thing to do for female livebearers is to have lots of plants in the tank. Water Sprite (Ceratopteris thalictroides/ cornuta) is the best floating plant for them. If you get too many plants you can grow them in the substrate where they turn into a nice light green shrub.
The babies hide in the plants and can be fed on small powdered fish food and newly hatched brineshrimp.
There is more info on hatching brineshrimp at the following link.
If your tank is less than 2 months old, I would suggest you only feed the fish once every second day and do a 75% water change and gravel clean the substrate 4-8 hours after feeding.
You should also monitor the water quality for ammonia and nitrite and do a 75% water change any day there is a reading above 0.
Try to keep the pH above 7.0.
If you can contact your water supply company (via their website or telephone), they should be able to tell you what the pH and general hardness (GH) of the water is. If the GH is below 200ppm you could have trouble with the swordtails, guppies. And if the GH is less than 250ppm you could have trouble with the mollies. If the pH is below 7.0 you will have problems with these fish too.
The following link has some information on what to do if your fish ever get sick. It's pretty long and boring but worth knowing so I recommend printing it out and reading it in bed to help you fall asleep.