Is My Sunset Platy Pregnant?


New Member
Sep 5, 2012
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I have a new sunset platy and she kind of looked i put her in a hospital tank. Now, however, I am having second thoughts. She didn't give birth the first night, or second night. Maybe she is just a little fat...Here are two pictures of her...please help.
She is VERY unhappy./Volumes/NO NAME/DCIM/100CASIO/CIMG0013.JPG/Volumes/NO NAME/DCIM/100CASIO/CIMG0014.JPG
Gman45, your link points to some place on your hard drive. You need to upload your picture to a place like photobucket, it is free, and then link to it from here. I use this picture as an example. It is a picture of a harbor seal pup that I took a few years back when I was at the beach in Oregon. If you look at the properties, using a right click, you will get lots of information about that picture but the picture is not and never has been located at TFF. It is a picture on photobucket.

I just copy the IMG code from photobucket and paste it here as so much text. The rest is automatic.

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