Is My Sister's Betta Sick?


New Member
Jul 20, 2008
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I noticed my sister's blue betta is swimming around very erratically, seemingly not able to see me or food pellets, and his eyes appear reddish and looking towards the side rather than forward. I've looked for answers online but haven't found a cause for this. Last time I checked him out maybe 2 hours ago he wasnt like this at all. My only guess is that maybe he needs his water changed, but I don't know if that'll help.
how long has she had the betta? what size tank? any fin damage or odd appearances on the bodY? rubbing against objects in the tank?
how long has she had the betta? what size tank? any fin damage or odd appearances on the bodY? rubbing against objects in the tank?
About a month I think. Dunno exact size, see pic. Fins seem normal, just the eyes are normally blue(see pic.) Kinda swimming against the walls, normally he goes to the front and stares at you until you give him food or he realizes he's not getting food.


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The tank is too small... wayyyyyyy too small. Do some research on Bettas here and on google.

That fish will not last without almost daily water changes. And if it is acting in poor condition the best thing you can do is do a water change (properly). That is just a quick solution, however.

Get it a larger, heated, and filtered tank asap. AT LEAST 2.5 gallons. 5 gallons is what you should consider a minimum tho.

Don't shrug off what i have just told you. That betta is going to die w/o immediate care. You may need to consider anitbiotics (Maracyn 1 & 2 for bettas)
The tank is too small... wayyyyyyy too small. Do some research on Bettas here and on google.

That fish will not last without almost daily water changes. And if it is acting in poor condition the best thing you can do is do a water change (properly). That is just a quick solution, however.

Get it a larger, heated, and filtered tank asap. AT LEAST 2.5 gallons. 5 gallons is what you should consider a minimum tho.

Don't shrug off what i have just told you. That betta is going to die w/o immediate care. You may need to consider anitbiotics (Maracyn 1 & 2 for bettas)

Thanks. I'll do what I can now, but it's the middle of the night and my sis wont be home till the afternoon. I'll pass on the info when I can. Don't think she has any fish medicine and don't think there's a pet shop too close, but I'll see what I can do.
well i'm glad you are looking out for the guy and came here for some info :good:

relay the info and also refer her to for some good information regarding bettas. the website has some really good info that is all compiled in one spot (aka not scattered all over the place like these forums)
untill you can get a different tank, I would take out the gravel, and change the water....the gravel is takeing up space where more water could be used. the bettas skin is probebly dammaged from amonina in the poo and uneaten food VERY quickly rot and turn into amonina.

in larger tanks such as 2.5 gallons and up there is more water for the poo and waste to disolve before it burns the fish.

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