Is My Sister overstocked?

especially it being a hex and all, makes it even worse.

why not buy her a new tank for Easter, or a b-day etc?
she is definitely at the limit of stocking, if not overstocked. she should not acquire any more fish, not even if any of the current fish die off. the dropsy you mentioned was probably brought on by the crowded conditions of the tank; most fish diseases are continually present but staved off by fish immune systems. when water conditions reach a certain point below optimal, these diseases manifest themselves because fish can no longer fight them off.

on a case-by-case basis:

(1) a healthy standard molly will easily reach 4 inches. ballon and lyretail mollies are typically smaller, but sailfins get quite large.

(2) danios are recommended to be kept in a school of six in a tank of 20 gallons or more to allow them sufficient swimming room. a hex 10g has even less lateral space than a standard 10.

(3) i presume "glow-lights" to mean glowlight tetras. like danios, they do best in a school of 6 or more in a 20g tank.

(4) cory cats also school in species groups. depending on the variety, they will get anywhere from 1 to 3 inches.

(5) just with the previous groups, this tank is fully stocked. the unidentified fish are too much, especially since their final size is unknown.

the easiest way to handle the issue would be to upgrade to a 20 gallon tank. this would bring the stocking level into a significantly more reasonable range. a standard rectangular 20 would also ease decorative plantings in that a large number of plants would not significantly obstruct the viewing space.

a hex tank generally looks better with sparse plantings and a central focal point rising to half the height or less. the purpose of a hex is to in a sense "showcase" its inhabitants and allow easy viewing from all angles, similar to an exhibit. overstocking a hex and filling it with plants defeats this effect and also reduces the effective viewing area to one or fewer panels.
lol her focal point in the tank is her fluval 3! She's got more plants than the African rainforest but as i said.... i'm the younger sister, as far as she's concerned she's 'Older & Wiser' than me!

I talked to her last night on the phone about it again, she want's to ger herself a 'Jewel 240' i think it is but she can't afford it at the moment & want's to wait til later in the year before getting it. I could get her one as a present but i'm in the middle of saving up for a 'Jewel 400' for my own fish!

i think my only option at the moment is to send her the link to this post so she can read through it herself.... it might make her realise that she has got too many fish & plants etc in there. Her setup is lovely having said that but i do feel she should have read up on what fish to get and how many before going too mad!

I'll try & get a photo in the next couple of days to post on here so you can see what i mean!

Kaz x-x-x-x-x
I would of thought someone had picked up on this already but since when did mollies start growing to 6inch :blink: The mollies are full grown at 2.5inch.

get rid of the danios and i reakon it's ok then, they just need more swimming space really.

would help to know what the other fish are aswell, as they might be a problem.
Well i haven't seen six inch mollies but i have defineately seen mollies grow to about 4 inches long. and i defineately wouldn't be keeping such active fish in such a small tank!

normal mollies get to 2.5inch max.
male SAILfin mollies can get to 6.5inch max

so if there sailfins they got some growing to do, overwise they are full grown.
*shrug* i've always just kept guppies.
axlerod says :book:

Poecilia Latipinna -- 13 cm females, 10 cm males
Poecilia Mexicana -- 11 cm
Poecilia Sphenops -- 10 cm, but typically seen at half-size
Poecilia Velifera -- 13 cm

so, i dunno :dunno: that's what i've read

I'm gonna be calling her again 2nite. I'm determined to try to help her sort her tank out! I'm sure she'll enjoy looking at her fish if she could actually see each one & not just a streaking blaze of colour swishing aroud the tank. About time she realised that they are cramped! To me it would be like getting 10 people in a double bed! Can be done (not personally) but would be pretty darned squashed & uncomfortable! :fun:
I've heard that mollies grow to 4in. But anyways, with 4 mollies on thier own its a bit overstocked. For that tank, I'd say take as much as possible back, then work with whatevers left. But unless she's getting a new tank soon, I'd get rid of at least 2 mollies, the danios, the tetras and probably the other unidentified. The corys can stay if you get another one.
pica_nuttalli said:
*shrug* i've always just kept guppies.
axlerod says :book:

Poecilia Latipinna -- 13 cm females, 10 cm males
Poecilia Mexicana -- 11 cm
Poecilia Sphenops -- 10 cm, but typically seen at half-size
Poecilia Velifera -- 13 cm

so, i dunno :dunno: that's what i've read
my info came from the baesch atlas books
Is my sister overstocked?

I don't know, how many fish do you keep in her?

Sorry, couldnt resist.

Yes, I think her tank is overstocked especially as it is a hex which means there is less surface area to provide oxygen for the fish. I don't think that surface area can support that many fish.
clutterydrawer said:
Is my sister overstocked?

I don't know, how many fish do you keep in her?

Sorry, couldnt resist.

Yes, I think her tank is overstocked especially as it is a hex which means there is less surface area to provide oxygen for the fish. I don't think that surface area can support that many fish.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I should have put more thought into that title really shouldn't i!
Candyco said:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I should have put more thought into that title really shouldn't i!
:rofl: Thats my laugh for the day :D And I thought Gibbard and his 'Here, Druid Hannah! Catch!' phrase in basketball was funny.

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