Is My Plec About To Lay A Load Of Eggs?


New Member
Jul 23, 2008
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OK, here's the thing...
I've got a tropical tank which I've had for about a year. One plec came with the tank and is about 3 years old. We then bought two more, one of which grew to about 2-3 times the size of the others.
The three sharks (2x silver and 1x red tail) came with the tank and are about 3 years old

When I fed them this evening, they were all out for once and the biggest plec is now looking... well... pregnant. Imagine a 747 400 (the one with a hump) turned upside down and you've got some idea of what it - she - is looking like.

Mobility is fine, feeding is fine, no white spot, all fins are fine - so I'm fiarly sure that she is OK.

But, is it possible that she's about to lay a shed load of eggs? I have been told that they never breed in home tanks.

So... Any thoughts?

If she is likely to lay a load of eggs, what the hell do we do? I'm thinking try to get another tank (need to find a free one or one vvvv cheap as can't really afford a decent new one) and move either the plecs or the sharks.

I'm guessing that Plec babies/roe and sharks aren't a good mix?

What do I do?

Also, we've got a little hair algae growing on the rocks - didn't see it today until we turned the lamps on for the first time in a long time (it's summer, so haven't really needed it to see the fish). Can we use anti-hair algae stuff if the plec is full of roe? Will it hurt her?

I think she's a Sailfin and looks a bit like this (although almost black):


Has the "spikes" up the sides...
Oh and her cheeks look a little puffed out - though that could be the angle I was looking at her through the tank wall (which is curved)
so from the sound of it the largest one is a different species to the other two?

they aren't liverbearers so at most will lay eggs, my guess is that its one of the 'commons' so there are not going to be 'baby plecs coming your way', they don't breed in home aquaria, and certainly not on their own. It takes two to tango as they say.

get some pictures if you can, (of all 3) my guess is bloat
OK cool, I'll try to snap the other two (although they are very shy)

She is still big... But eating quite happily and not looking distressed at all... Which (from bitter experience with a knackered stomach) I know I would be if I was that big!!!

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