They both have rounded tums so it's a definite possibility. Sometimes they can reabsorb the fry if things aren't right for them or they are stressed. What are your tank stats like? Were they being hassled by other fish?
All my fish get on. No aggression as far as I can see. Plenty of hiding spots aswel.
I think im going to just let them have them in the tank and not bother with a breeding net
My platy mama had her 4th brood in the main tank last night after increasing the heater temp back from 23.5 to 25°C. I'd heard that cooling the tank very gradually by a couple of degrees slows their breeding down. She developed the pregnancy just as fast as before but the birth was delayed. I felt sorry for her swimming around like she'd got a sugar lump stuck in her middle and put the temp back up. Going on the 3 previous births she'd been 5 weeks practically to the hour! But this time she's gone 4 days over.
It looks like she and the single 15wk old fry have been having a bit of a feast. I was hoping that the 15wk old wasn't big enough but it appears he/she is and I saw it chase and get one. I haven't room for any more, to be honest so it's maybe as well that they depart this natural way rather than being poisoned by their own waste in a tank too small for them. I haven't the room for more tanks so I've got to manage with what I've got.
After that rather gloomy statement I hope yours give birth ok. They look to be quite early on if they are pregnant so it could be a while before you see any.
How long do platys stay pregnant for roughly? I meen if I had a non female platy and a male mated with her today, how long from today until it wouldpop some fryout.
Anyway, gestation period is about 4-6 weeks, producing, on average, 30ish fry. If the male were to die or otherwise move away from the tank, the female will still produce fry for another 6 months.