Is my platy in mourning???????


Mar 31, 2004
Reaction score
Wiltshire, UK
I have one very miserable looking fish :(

I got two white mickey mouse platies from the lfs (1 male, 1 female) randomly selected from a tank of about 50. The female picked out was heavily pregnant. They were both fine, swimming around all over the place until she died :sad: Now he is moping around at the surface or sitting on the gravel. He even looks sad :-( as sad as a fish can get infact :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

What do I do? Get another mate for him or what? :/ :dunno:

(I dont think he is ill - the girlie seemed to just die for no reason) :(
I'd get another mate for him, when my female sword died the male just didnt seem himself till I replaced her. :)
jams.alaskan said:
Heck, get him two girls so that the girls get a break from him once in awhile! :p
I agree 100%. I had a female died because my male harassed her too much. Next time I get to my lfs I am getting two. :kana:
Sorry to hear she died. He definetly needs some another female... the more the better. I orginally had one male and two female platies but then one of the females died. The remaining female went into hiding for 3 days (he was after her too much and she got stressed) until I bought 3 more females.... what a difference that made!!! :p Now he's the stud of the tank and all 5 swim and play together all day long!! It's so much more fun to watch!
Good luck,
Thanks peeps :) :) :) :) :)

Will get one (or two) for him to play B) with!

He isnt into a mixed relationship - he wont swim with the orange mickey mouses at all.

Thanks again guys :D

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