Is My Ph Too High?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland, UK
Done all my tests, Ammona, Nitrate and Nitrite are all at 0.00 but my ph has gone up from 7.4 to 7.8. Is this too high? Yesterday it was 7.4 I currenlt yhave 4 platies in 126 litre tank and they seem happy enough, I'm just concerned because I read somewhere that ph changes can be harmful. A quick response would be very much appreciated!

A .4 change in PH certainly isn't considered drastic, I wouldnt worry.
yeah, id agree .4 of a change isnt too bad, i think its more than .5 per day that fish REALLY hate! :thumbs:
Hi. I wouldn't worry about your pH too much. I agree with the other posts that the change wasn't too drastic. As long as your pH doesn't go way up to the high 8's then you are ok. Most fish can tolerate almost any pH in the 6s to 8s range. As far as i know, carbonic acid can build up in water while it is still in the water pipes. This acid lowers the pH a little, so when the water is put in your tank the acid is driven off and this is possibly why your pH raised a little.

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