is my molly pregnant


New Member
Dec 14, 2004
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my molly has a dark ring around her back passage does this mean she is about to give birth? or sick
If she has a dark gravid spot she is pregnant nothing to worry about.
A gravid spot will start to appear as a slight dark patch behind the stomach over the anal fin it will take on a triangle form as the pregnancy develops. You may even be able to see the eyes of the coming fry as the process nears an end. Best of luck, sounds like you are going to get some fry! :)
how big should the gravid spot be cause hers goes right around her back passage when u look at her from behind thats all u can see
The size of the spot depends on how long the pregnancy has gone, the age of the mother, the fertility of the mother, the health ect, ect. My two Sword females differ greatly, one gives birth to about 20 and the other has 100+ they have different lenghts to their terms and their willingness to spawn, in short it is a craps shoot. The only way to be able to guess is to keep a journal and go from there. It can take several birthings before you you have a clue, so keep a journal as a help aid. This can also help if you have sicknesses.HTH
I have a question related to this, my female guppies often have gravid spots some are larger than others and some are darker than others. However, sometimes I look at my female and decide she is deffinately pregnant due to a slightly bigger belly than the others and a larger gravid spot also, but then later on in the same day I'll look at her again and her gravid spot will be pink and she seems to have slimmed down! Whats going on?
Also, they never seem to really bloat out when they are pregnant. Most people say that their fish get really huge when they are pregnant but mine never do, why is that?
hiya i have some mollies but the problem i have is that they are sunset mollies (orange with black spots) i have been watching my fish today and have seen the male molly going behind her and touching her with his fin that is underneath him, is this their way of mating? and how long are their pregnancies?
thanx laura xxxx
loopylaura87 said:
hiya i have some mollies but the problem i have is that they are sunset mollies (orange with black spots) i have been watching my fish today and have seen the male molly going behind her and touching her with his fin that is underneath him, is this their way of mating? and how long are their pregnancies?
thanx laura xxxx
Yes, that is their way of mating. I'm not totally sure how long Mollies are pregnant, but I think it's around 3-4 weeks.

Good luck with your babies! :)

And Emgclover, I don't know the answer to your question, but I've noticed this with some of my Guppies. I'd be interested to know the answer too...
thank you for your help i hope that she has her babies ok, they might also be different colours because i have a male and female of black, silver and sunset mollies they might be multi-coloured!
need help quickly if my molly is doing what i think she is! she is sat in a plant next to the heater wiggling and the male is keeping everyone else away! is she giving birth?

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