Is My Guppy Pregnant ?

Your best bet would be to leave the guppys alone and let them get along with what they do best. You have lots of plants and your tank seems good for the babies to hide and stuff. You can also add some floating plants in the tank and if you can't do that, a plastic pan scrubber, spread out, would provide the perfect hiding place.

In my tank, I have it 60% covered in live plants, stones and things, with a moss bush that the guppies love to give birth in. They will be fine without moving from the main tank. Let nature take its course.
i bought an aqua start 500 for them today, put some of my established filter media in it and i'm going to let it run for a week or so

the one eyed guppy 3rd down ( named it willy)

and their new home


just a little video of nemo at 3 months. he's all boy
wow, he's all grown up! Very nice balajake!
I think I have a pregnant platy and a pregnant guppy too.
I just bought the guppy from a lfs, I am putting her in a small tank with my neon tetras. The platy is in a breeder tank, she swan in herself when I was assembling the tank and she doesn't look stress in there so I am leaving her in there.
I hope I can see some frys too :hyper:
i have lots of guppy fry at the moment, they are hard to see. mum is usually ready to give birth whe her belly is very big and kind of square. she will act strange aswell. she will go off on her own to somewhere quite and start breathing heavily. sometimes they sit on the bottom of the tank to birth but some go up high behind a filter. ive had some of mine sit on a leaf of a plant and give birth lol

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