Is My Guppy Pregnant?


New Member
Apr 10, 2011
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Hi All, just wanted some advice... I recently noticed that one of my orange & black guppy is really big & has stopped eating & is hiding towards the bottom of my tank! Could it be pregnant? The other evening I saw what looked liked a thin clear like string coming from underneath it?? What is this?? I have a 38 litre tank, 5 Guppy's, 5 Neons, 5 Cardinals & a Pleco... Can somebody give any info please?? Thanks all!!
Do you have any pictures. I dont know much about live bearers but it could be a birthing tube. So yes it could just be pregnant. Just keep feeding as usual. :)

Hope for the news of fry :lol:
Do you have any pictures. I dont know much about live bearers but it could be a birthing tube. So yes it could just be pregnant. Just keep feeding as usual. :)

Hope for the news of fry :lol:

Hi, thanks for the quick response, let me see if I can send some pics over, it's pretty fat (be warned)!!! ;-)
Do you have any pictures. I dont know much about live bearers but it could be a birthing tube. So yes it could just be pregnant. Just keep feeding as usual. :)

Hope for the news of fry :lol:


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yep looks pregnant to me!

what pleco do you have in a 38lt?
Hope you can see those pics - apologies I'm new to this website - let me know what your thoughts are?? Cheers!

Wow - how exciting!!! I have a dwarf one that won't grow too big for my tank - what I was advised as such a small tank!! ;-)
So what are my next steps considering I have a relatively small tank - do I need to get a net or place that she can go and have her fry?? Thanx for your help - really appreciated!!!
you have a couple of options you can either but a bithing trap and put her in there or let stay in the tank and hope the babies stay out the way and survive? if you have plenty of plants etc a few will.
Thanx - I'm sure how long she is going to last if I leave her in the tank the other Guppies seem to be harassing & I hope she isn't getting too stressed, I maybe better off putting her in a separate place where she can have her fry peacefully!! ;-)
If she is getting pestered id put her in another tank, And also if you want too keep your fry id place them in a breeding trap untill there big enough to fend for themselves in the tank :) how many plants do you have is there good hiding space?
She seems to be able to hide behind the plants for a little while until the others find her, so I guess she is doing ok - just worried about her!! ;-) I have a fair few plants and plenty of hiding places so think she may be ok to be left in there - been watching her and she is doing well!! Fingers crossed for fry!!
Thank you - I appreciate all your help!! Will let you know her progress! ;-)
Thank you - I appreciate all your help!! Will let you know her progress! ;-)

That's a very pretty female guppy. I'd say it was male, but I'm obviously wrong!

Putting her in a breeding tank will stress her out if she's in too long. Letting her stay free and trying to catch the fry and put them in the trap would be my choice
I would definately say she is ready to burst! The way i tell with my live bearers is that they go kind of square on the back end, i then catch them and place then in the breeding trap. I currently have a batch of swordtails in mine which are around 3 weeks old. I still think they are too small to release into the community tank so i will keep them in there for a few more weeks. I had a 110 litre tank which i used for fry from various fish but it very quickly became full. This happened to me when i was relatively new to the hobby so was excited to have young and see them grow up... then the problem is shifting them on. The problem i had was everytime i had a batch i would say i am just going to leave them in the tank next time and whatever survives is a bonus... then i chicken out and out them in the trap at the last minute! lol.

If the males are harrassing her then that is also a sure sign she is going to give birth as they want to be the first to mate with her again.

Hope it's good news when we hear from you again! :)
I wouldn't using a birthing trap or anything. It just stresses the fish so much. It sounds like she's ready to go quickly, and when she does start popping out the fry, put some food in there for her and the others who are harassing her. It'll distract them and give the fry a chance to survive. And remember, when feeding the fry, they need the food ground up to nearly a powder. That's in addition to the regular food for the grownups.

Good luck!!

Wait a minute ... I was looking at those photos more closely. Isn't that gonopodium??????

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