Is my guppie ready to give birth?


New Member
Oct 10, 2004
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Ontario, Canada

I'm a new guppie owner. I got my first 6 last week and got 3 more two days ago (along with a cory who died today).

I have a fish who is pregnant and she's been acting strange, such as hiding in the plants and staying on her own, so i put her in the breeding cage.

I was just curious if there are any other signs that she's getting ready to give birth. She's not eating, she was hiding and she's staying to the bottom of the breeding cage. She also has some redness back where they fry are.

Are these all signs that she's ready to pop soon?

She just seems to be sad and I'm really worried because i don't know if she's sick or just ready to pop.
i would say she is about to have some fry for u
if she is not eating and staying away from the others then your going to be a parent soon :D
the things about breeding traps people say to me guppies can die in them but the amount of times ive used them with 100ds of guppies and ive never had a death
I know people who have put guppies in a breeding cage and never had a problem. In fact, the guy at the aquarium store told me to put her in a bag for about an hour... He said that sometimes guppies will try to hold onto the babies for to long and it can kill them.

Now, whether this is true or not, I don't know. It's all trial and error for me right now.

I had a cory die today (only bought him on Friday) so i got a replacement for him, hopefully he'll be fine.

And I'm going to get my water tested to make sure that everything is ok in there. I'm really worried about the one in the breeding cage right now because I don't know if she's going to give birth or die.
do u have a pic of her at all thats would help alot
if not dont worry she might have them later tonight or in the morning
also has she been pooing at all?
She has been pooing and she's eating a very small amount.

She doesn't seem to have a dark gravid spot though, but she seems to be pretty fat and she has some red back where the gravid spot is, which is a sign that she's about to give birth (from what i've heard).

The guy at the pet store told me that she might be trying to hold onto the fry for to long and that it could kill her.

I do have a digital camera and i'll take a picture of her in about an hour.
Sounds like fry are on the way. But make sure she has as little stress as posible. 95% of time stress is why they hold there fry. And some will let out some and watch what happens to them. If all the fry die or get ate then the mother can hold the rest till they kill her. PWC's also help in birth, if you water is not up to par they will hold also.
Well, silly me let the mother out of the breeding cage because we didn't think she was going to give birth.

Today while watching a movie I saw a small, fast moving floaty thing in the tank, i cried out "OMG! Babies!"

Yes, she decided to have her fry... out of the breeding cage.. what an experience that was trying to catch them all.

We did however get to watch her give birth to one healthy fry, three others were already dead. She had 7 healthy fry in total.. we scooped 'em up and put them in a seperate tank.

Yesterday my bf's guppie had 10 fry, he can't wait to go see them :)

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