Is My Fish Sick?

I tried to find the fish emergency section, but I couldn't. I will try again. Maybe I am missing it. I did look at the diseases on the Tropical Fish Forever Home page, and it seems like they all say it should be white spots. His are redish and dark gray on his head. He is not lathargic at all, but he certainly darts around the tank. I did think that was odd.

When I came home from work today, Killer has red lines on the sides of his gills now. They are new. I'm so upset. I actually started crying. It sounds so stupid, I know. I am very attached to him. I live in an apartment. He is the only pet I can have. I love him, and I want him to be happy and healthy. I can't just call a vet. They will not give me the time of day.

I tried the flashlight thing. After he looked at me like I was crazy, I could not really see any white or gold dusty spots. He just kind of looks gray and reddish in some areas. Poor guy. There was one tiny spek that may have looked like something that might be construed as white. Hmmm.

Any ideas on how to keep my heater with the faulty suction cup in submurged and off to the side of the tank?

What ever will I do with this fish??????
Don't Panic, They have fish medicines at Petsmart, Petco etc and suction cups too... I'll send you a PM
I got another look at him with the flashlight. He definately looks very red around the head and the gills. He does not looks good at all. He is always breathing heavy too. The heavy breathing is a symptom of velvet.

I feel like I have wasted so much time too because my fiance keeps telling me I'm just being crazy. He is not sick.

I went to pet smart and asked them about it. They don't know anything there. They coudn't really help me at the one by me.
I got another look at him with the flashlight. He definately looks very red around the head and the gills. He does not looks good at all. He is always breathing heavy too. The heavy breathing is a symptom of velvet.

I feel like I have wasted so much time too because my fiance keeps telling me I'm just being crazy. He is not sick.

I went to pet smart and asked them about it. They don't know anything there. They coudn't really help me at the one by me.

I sent you PM, you're not crazy
ok here are some basic betta needs ,, see if u have all ur bases covered
water temp 70 to 80f, get a heater if its too cold,
a good theomomter in tank at all times
your feeding habbits sound good
use a quality water conditoner will take harmfull stuff out of tap water and will give him a good slime coat, slime coat is like extra skin that keeps bad germies out
for a small bowl a 25% water change 2x a week will help clear out the bad ammonia and nitrates in the water, just cup out a small amt of water at a time,, taking him out and moving him around is stressful, and match the new water temp to the old
try a live plant, they help pull the bad poop wast out of the water
cycling is very important for a tank with a filter if the intank is very strong try sewing a little netting around the intak, think the same size and type cloth as a fish net, that way his fins cant get caught
oh and cycling means this,, fish eat food, fish poop, bad ammonia nitrate and nitrites are in poop, poop make fish sick, cycling means that good bacteria, the healthy ammonia poop eating kind wiil grow naturally in the filter,and the poop eating bacteria will eat the poop and make that water healthy, try getting a freash water test kit from the store and test the water levels, ammonia burns can leave gills red. change the water 25% every day till u get good readings on the test kit, then 2 a week is ok for a small tank if u ever need to change the filter leave a square of it in so the good bacteria will still be there, a bilogocal filter sponge is great
try a half teaspoon of aquarim salt per gallon of water, salt will help they tears in his fins
u can use melifix if he actually has a illnes but the antibacteria will kill everything, including the poop eating ones, try that as a last resort then once a illness is cleared up cycle the tank again

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