Is My Cory Sick Or Is This Normal?

No, I don't have a quarantine tank unfortunately so I can't take the Betta out. Can it withstand just Pimafix if I have to use it?

Also about the filters have the carbon already inside them but I can't take the carbon out (unless maybe I cut a hole in it and manually took the carbon out - then I'd just replace the whole filter..would that work?)

I'm using the filters for a "Power Filter" if anyone is familiar w/ them.

I'm using the API test kit. I'll recheck the levels, maybe I looked at it wrong.
you will have to cut the filter cartridge open and remove the carbon that way. If you replace too much of the filter material you will upset the bacteria and end up with the tank cycling again.

Can't help you with pimafix or melafix because I don't use them. Maybe send Sue a PM and ask her.

You could put the male fighter into an icecream bucket and float that in the tank. Then it would stay warm but be isolated from the medication in the water. You would have to do small partial water changes on the bucket but that wouldn't be hard.
Hi reeveso

The reason to take out the carbon is because the carbon will scrub out the medication making it a useless exercise until the charcoal becomes exhausted.

Who makes the "Power Filter"? Usually if filters have "filter packs" there are separate packs for charcoal, bio material, etc. In cases like that you just remove the charcoal pack and that's it. On some smaller filters I've seen there is only one insert that has both the mechanical and the charcoal built into one pack. These are not good to use because in instances like this and when you have to replace the filter with a new one, you lose all of the bacteria that converts ammonia to nitrite.

If there really is only one filter pack then cut it open and take out the charcoal. I'd also start looking for a better filter.

Both medications are available at Pet Smart.

Sorry but I can't help you with the betta question.

Good luck.
Hi reeveso

The reason to take out the carbon is because the carbon will scrub out the medication making it a useless exercise until the charcoal becomes exhausted.

Who makes the "Power Filter"? Usually if filters have "filter packs" there are separate packs for charcoal, bio material, etc. In cases like that you just remove the charcoal pack and that's it. On some smaller filters I've seen there is only one insert that has both the mechanical and the charcoal built into one pack. These are not good to use because in instances like this and when you have to replace the filter with a new one, you lose all of the bacteria that converts ammonia to nitrite.

If there really is only one filter pack then cut it open and take out the charcoal. I'd also start looking for a better filter.

Both medications are available at Pet Smart.

Sorry but I can't help you with the betta question.

Good luck.

My filter has both the carbon and the BIO part of it, but they're 2 seperate things so I wouldn't lose all the bacteria. There's the carbon in 1 part, and the BIO part comes after that but it's separate.

I know I'd obviously leave the BIO part in there - but I should just cut mine open to get the charcoal out, then just replace the filter after the meds go through?
After you dump the carbon... You will need to put in a new one when you finish medicating. If you put new carbon in the old one... it won't stay in. It will fall out where you cut it. If it were me I would just get some plain filter material to put where that goes and throw out the old one. You have the bio media in there. That with the new floss behind it works great. That is all I use unless I am trying to remove meds or something.
You can use lots of things for floss. You can get the sheets of it or loose... You can even get pillow stuffing from Wal-Mart or craft stores... I have even used a wash cloth (unused) before in an emergency.
Good idea ICEEGRL

I'm always looking for ways to circumvent those darn filter packs. I've tried using woman's knee highs to make my own packs, either carbon, ammo chips or bio material.

I still prefer the external tanks rather than the hang on filters as they usually have more sections.

One quick question - if my fish were sick w/ the bacterial infection they may possibly have, would they be acting sluggish and "sick-like"?

Because they seem to be extremely active. Whenever the lights are on they're chostnatly flying around the tank. Yesterday they weren't (although that was their first day in the tank so they might have been a little scared anyway), but today they're flying around it, chasing each other like a cat chasing a dog lol - they look like they're 100% healthy and energetic.

Those little buggers can move pretty quick too lol. They have a little "game" where 1 of them will swim towards the top and the other follows. Then 1 of them will dart down to the bottom and the other follows again. Then once in awhile 1 of them will rip across the tank and do it

It's pretty funny actually :) They're a lot more active than the Betta, I can tell you that! She's a lazy old bum.

Anyway, is it a good sign that they're this active?
Yes, Reeveso, it sounds to me like your Corys are doing the "happy to be in our new home and out of that other nasty place" dance. Corys love to dance and party. They are real party animals. Corys dance for every occasion, and that is it. The sexy courting dance starts just like it. So your Corys do like their new home.

If the Corys are doing well then don't worry about it, just as Colin_T said. You could use the "float some container" method Colin_T mentioned also. Betta can be kept most anywhere.

As ICEEGRL said you can use most anything that does not have any soap or additives to put in the filter temporarily. It is good to have some extra mechnical material on hand. It can be rinsed in bleach water and used again usually.

If the carbon is in some kind of bag or container, it can be removed and a new one replaced when the treatment is over. The filter is actually the device that pumps the water and moves it through the filter pads or media. If you can tell what the manufacturer is we will know what method it uses tp move water.

Cory_Dad doesn't like the filters that use the cartridges and bio wheels. I and other do. :)

If you decide to medicate for the bacteria, you will need the MelaFix as well. In that case you would want to remove the Cory or the Betta. If you decide to just use the PimaFix as a tonic to help the Cory heal, I THINK the Betta would be ok, but if it is not needed I wouldn't bother. If the fish starts to act sluggish or goes off to itself or doesn't eat or the red spreads, then lets use a stronger med.

Are we sure the red isn't just a light pink belly? It would be irregular shaped if it is not natural.
In some cases it is good and others it is not. I don't know how to explain the difference really. It is kind of fluid like a dance, or fast darting like a panick attack? The dance thing is ok the panick thing is a bad thing.
Also... some fish act sick from the beginning, and other act fine until it is too late to help. It just depends on the fish and the situation. It isn't always the same.
I know that wasn't much help, but sometimes it is some what complicated. That is why we always ask for as many details about everything so it will give us more info to go on. Sometimes it is something that you just had not noticed or you just didn't think of... Pictures work wonders on here too.

One thing I find odd... corys usually come out to play when the lights go off and hide when they come on. They are mostly nocturnal.
Is there enough hiding places for them?
How bright are your lights?
What is the temp in your tank?

I did think happy dance or bright light shock... lol They both look similar one is just more panicky than the other... Mine have done both... :eek: :lol:
In some cases it is good and others it is not. I don't know how to explain the difference really. It is kind of fluid like a dance, or fast darting like a panick attack? The dance thing is ok the panick thing is a bad thing.
Also... some fish act sick from the beginning, and other act fine until it is too late to help. It just depends on the fish and the situation. It isn't always the same.
I know that wasn't much help, but sometimes it is some what complicated. That is why we always ask for as many details about everything so it will give us more info to go on. Sometimes it is something that you just had not noticed or you just didn't think of... Pictures work wonders on here too.

One thing I find odd... corys usually come out to play when the lights go off and hide when they come on. They are mostly nocturnal.
Is there enough hiding places for them?
How bright are your lights?
What is the temp in your tank?

I did think happy dance or bright light shock... lol They both look similar one is just more panicky than the other... Mine have done both... :eek: :lol:

The "dance" seemed pretty natural. They were literally chasing each other around like they were playing tag - so I'd say it was a pretty natural, playful darting around. Also, they've done this w/ both the lights on and off and it looked the same. They were actually just doing it a minute ago w/ the lights off.

As for hiding places, all thats really in there is 4 plants and a car. They go in the car once in awhile but they seem to enjoy being out in the open. I plan on getting another bigger hiding place for them in the next few days.

The temp is at 77 degrees - I just turned it down to 75 as I think 75 is their upper limit right? I had it up there for the betta. They're eating perfect. As soon as I drop the food in they're all over it. It's gone as fast as they can find it all and eat it.

One thing I'm actually kind of worried about is how lazy my Betta is. I got her from my sister who had her in like a 0.5 gallon jar (I felt bad for the poor thing) and she's NEVER been very active.

When I first put her in there was that cottony stuff (which I just found out is fungus) - but I've hardly seen any lately. Her fins aren't very good either - I think SHE is the 1 that needs some meds lol.

Tomorrow I'll try to take a picture and put it on here and show you all each fish. Maybe that'll help
I'm always looking for ways to circumvent those darn filter packs. I've tried using woman's knee highs to make my own packs, either carbon, ammo chips or bio material.
If you have ammo chips or ammonia removing granules in the filter you should remove them unless the tank is a quarantine tank. They absorb ammonia from the water and in a normal aquarium they prevent the filter bacteria from developing because there is no ammonia for them to feed from. Then once the granules are full they stop absorbing ammonia and you get an ammonia reading and the tank starts to cycle.

You can buy fine mesh bags from the LFS to put carbon in. Alternatively buy a pair of stockings and use the legs.
Get me a list of the anti bacterial meds that are available. I think I asked before for this, and it got derailed.

It is very unlikely that it is fungus alone. It is either is a bacterial infection called as I said columnaris or it is a bacterial infection with a secondary fungal infection. If the fins are shredding then there is fin rot, an infection that Betta fins are prone to.

Are her fins shredding/have ragged white edges? Are her fins clamped? Is she bloated? Is she eating? Do her scales stick out--pinecone?

It actually sounds like your Corys may be courting. Does one have a nice fat plump belly?
If your beta does have columnaris or fin rot... she can give it to the corys. You need to be very careful with that.
Get jollysue that list of meds so you can get that stopped quickly.

It does sound like the corys are flirting. Watch for eggs stuck to the tank walls and decor. If they do lay any... your betta will probably eat them though. You may only see little round spots where the eggs were... (If your corys are male and female... )

Is the redness on the belly still getting better?

I hope it works out and all your fish are fine. A pic would be helpful to really see what it looks like. :good:
Great news!

I just looked at my Cory's and the infection or whatever it was is definitely getting better. They must like their new home :)

I also rechecked the water and it was 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, and 5-10 nitrates.

One of their bellies has no red, the others just a tiny bit - you actually have to look for it to be able to see it.

I got 2 pictures of the Betta, which I've attached (not sure how to put a picture on a forum so if I do it wrong, someone please tell me how). I couldn't get any of the Cory's - the little buggers move too much! They wouldn't sit still for me and it's my dad's camera so I don't know how to change the shutter speed and all that to get action pics and a close up.

Anyway, take a look at the betta. Her fins have gotten about 2-3x wider since I put her in my tank and out of my sisters, but they still aren't full at all. She's about 3 years old I believe - does that have anything to do w/ it?

PS - I just took a picture of the tank w/ the lights on as well. How much more should I plant it?

I plan on gettin a few more cory's (probably a total of 4 or so), 2 angelfish, and maybe 3 swordtails. I'm going to get a seperate tank for the betta though so don't worry - I know she'd probably start fighting w/ the swordtails and angelfish lol


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you need a backing for the tank and some more tall plants along the back wall to cover the heater and intake pipe.
The backing can be made from coloured cardboard or you can buy one from the LFS.

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