Is My Clown Sick?

Dont think i can do anything now unfortunately :sad: he has started struggling to swim in the last few minutes and the end is near i think.


His tail looks a mess! what would cause that? there has been no fighting with the two of them. I didnt pay them much attention when putting in the tank because wanted to leave them to settle. So not sure if he was like this since buying or not.

Excuse the sand :lol: just getting past diatoms etc..
Oh dear. Any damage to his fin? Has this White tail been like this since you got him. Def should take it back or a photo of him dead if he doesn't make it and get your money back.

The reason I suggested an RO is because that method helps against most infections. The disease would cause stress anyway and In my opinion worth stressing him a tiny bit more if the result could have relieved the stress and assisted in his defence against the disease.
I understand where you were coming from though, just wanted to explain my advice.

Looks like its irrelevant anyway now :( Sorry for your first loss mate.
I don't have any experience with salt water but if that was fresh water i would swear it's a bacteria infection. The lines on the tail are the colouration of the fish you can see that the white patch spread most of the way into his body. I would say there is redness in the white patch in the later picture which also suggest a bacterial infection. You can normaly tell if the tail seems very stiff.
Oh dear. Any damage to his fin? Has this White tail been like this since you got him. Def should take it back or a photo of him dead if he doesn't make it and get your money back.

The reason I suggested an RO is because that method helps against most infections. The disease would cause stress anyway and In my opinion worth stressing him a tiny bit more if the result could have relieved the stress and assisted in his defence against the disease.
I understand where you were coming from though, just wanted to explain my advice.

Looks like its irrelevant anyway now :( Sorry for your first loss mate.

Just his tail was damaged and he had the whiteness to his back end. Gunna drive to Stockport on Thursday and have a word. There really good at the abyss and offer 10 day money back guarantee and will cover any deaths caused from there stock.

I don't have any experience with salt water but if that was fresh water i would swear it's a bacteria infection. The lines on the tail are the colouration of the fish you can see that the white patch spread most of the way into his body. I would say there is redness in the white patch in the later picture which also suggest a bacterial infection. You can normaly tell if the tail seems very stiff.

Sorry the pics are poor quality :( need to sort my camera out. All im mainly worried about is my tank water getting contaminated :angry:
Its possible that he was bitten by another fish and the exposed flesh got a bacterial infection. Just keep a close eye on the other clown and dispose of that one ASAP when he passes.
Sorry again :(
Its possible that he was bitten by another fish and the exposed flesh got a bacterial infection. Just keep a close eye on the other clown and dispose of that one ASAP when he passes.
Sorry again :(

He passed a minute ago :sad: had him in the net near the top because he was on his side so didnt want him dying in the rock or somewhere i couldnt get him.
Sorry mate. I was at work earlier and was able to have a quick look on here sorry I couldn't help more. Pretty sure it wasn't Brook or velvet from those photos and probably nothing you could have done. I'm with Lewiss on the RO freshwater dip for future reference though having seen it clear my fish up with an instant improvement and no sign of stress from being in the RO, but that's some advice that I sincerely hope you never need mate.
Thanks George and everyone else who tried to help :sad: personally i think he came to me ill because from the day i got him he couldnt close his mouth and his lips almost look swollen. I have rapped the clown up in a fish bag and stuck him in the freezer :lol: might sound abit nutty but i want to keep him from decomposing and then will take him with me to the abyss on Thursday and see if they can find out the cause of death.

Thanks again everyone :good:
Sorry to hear about your loss. How is the other clown?

Seems fine James, has eaten since the first feed and is still eating tonight. He spits flake back out but eats in again straight away so think he is just trying to make the flakes smaller to eat :lol: he is only small at the mo.
Sorry to hear about the clown :( Dreading when I lose my first.

Lets hope the other one keeps going at the food :)

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