Is My Boy Just Getting Old?


Feb 16, 2006
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Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
One of my male bettas has begun acting a bit differently. He used to flare at anyone and anything, now he'll half-heartedly flare at other males but not with the vigor he used to. He spends more time just chilling at the bottom of his bowl. He doesn't seem to have much of an appetite anymore and the tips of his fins/tail are starting to curl. But hes still building bubble nests. When I got him he was full grown, no idea exatly how old. Do you think hes just getting old? i've only had him for 3 months
Sounds like he's just getting on in his years. :nod: Make sure he can relax somewhere on a low silk plant; kinda like the fish version of a rocking chair.

And make sure the young 'uns don't always flare and annoy him.
since you said he is laying around alot, i am wondering if he may have a swim bladder problem? One of my bettas had a swim bladder problem where his rear end would drop like a weight. He was swimming in an extremely nose up position (when he'd move). The rest of teh time he would lay on the bottom or on a silk leaf. Is he doing anything like that?

(and just and FYI, after a round of kanamyacin, he is back to normal)

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