Is my black neon tetra pregnant?

Are you talk about the black neons or the cardinals?

If one of the male black neons is unable to breed with the female (because he isn't allowed), then wait until the other pr have finished breeding and move the adults out. You don't want the adults in the tank after they have bred because they will eat the young.
I'm talking about the black neons. Yes one of the black neons is usually chased away. So move no.1 and the breeding female to the QT tank, let them finish breeding, remove the adults. Am I correct?
Also, there is a submersible light in the QT tank, I feel this will stress the fish. So I'll try using a different light (yellow desk light). Btw, it's super hard to get the black neons from the community tank, can you give me tips on how to move them?
Are the black neons in a community tank or a breeding tank?
If they are in a community tank, then move a pair to a breeding tank for breeding purposes.

If you need to catch fish out of a tank, use 2 nets. Get a net that is about 8-12 inches across and another net that is 5-6 inches across.
Rest the bigger net on the gravel and put one side against the front glass.
Use the smaller net to slowly guide (chase) the selected fish into the big net, then lift the big net out.
Are the black neons in a community tank or a breeding tank?
If they are in a community tank, then move a pair to a breeding tank for breeding purposes.

If you need to catch fish out of a tank, use 2 nets. Get a net that is about 8-12 inches across and another net that is 5-6 inches across.
Rest the bigger net on the gravel and put one side against the front glass.
Use the smaller net to slowly guide (chase) the selected fish into the big net, then lift the big net out.
They are currently in the community tank. Ok I'll use two nets. Thanks again @Colin_T !
QT tank setup. The fish are in it now(the blue 'mini' algae scrubber is to hold it down.
breeding tank setup.JPEG
Put a picture on the back and sides of the tank to make the fish feel more secure.

If the fish do breed, remove the adults and turn the tank light off and cover the front of the tank with black card or something to stop the light getting in. Tetra eggs are sensitive to light and won't hatch if exposed to bright light.

Once the eggs have hatched and the babies are swimming around, you can remove the front picture and have a light on.
Put a picture on the back and sides of the tank to make the fish feel more secure.

If the fish do breed, remove the adults and turn the tank light off and cover the front of the tank with black card or something to stop the light getting in. Tetra eggs are sensitive to light and won't hatch if exposed to bright light.

Once the eggs have hatched and the babies are swimming around, you can remove the front picture and have a light on.
Ok thank you @Colin_T !!!
Some minor modifications to the breeding tank..
So I've covered it completely in black card with a small window in the front for viewing. The only light given is minimal sunlight.
breeding tank with small window for viewing.JPEG

breeding tank front.JPEG

Breeding tank side.JPEG

Just have to see how it goes.... They have been spawning, and I've seen some eggs, but no fry... I can see how hard breeding is.
They have stopped spawning and the female is still fat. So I want what is best for my fish and not what is best for me, so I'm going to add them back to the community tank so she won't become egg bound. They seem more lethargic and stressed in small tanks. They also seem about 10x happier in a big tank. So I'm gonna risk the fry dying in the community tank instead of no spawning in a small tank. If I get a bigger tank(about 15 gallons) I'll try breed them in that. I also have a blue storage box which would be great for breeding cardinals, since it's so dark.
So she's still fat, but I have this black 10 gallon storage box that is a tiny bit translucent(which is great since it's black), and I can put her in there to breed. I will also put the seven males that I got from the pet shop, so I don't have to stress out the other 2 males. So it's hard to get them to spawn, I agree with @itiwhetu. How do I get them to spawn with her? They are all active and love to chase each other. I'm putting a sponge filter in there.
When the fish have been fed well for at least 2 (preferably 4) weeks, separate them for 5 days and then put them together in the breeding tank.

Have soft acid water in the breeding tank and have it a couple of degrees warmer than the main holding tank.
When the fish have been fed well for at least 2 (preferably 4) weeks, separate them for 5 days and then put them together in the breeding tank.

Have soft acid water in the breeding tank and have it a couple of degrees warmer than the main holding tank.
Ok. I just started feeding them brine shrimp nauplii (not live, frozen) and they love it. Moved the 7 black neons from QT to the community. Just a minute in there and from being faded, their colours popped!! All chasing and playing with each other. When I separate males and females, I only have my 10 gallon betta tank, and my QT tank so can I just put 3 males in the QT and the female in the community tank, then move all four to the breeding tank? Or should there be more fish? I don't think my thermometer is accurate so I'm going to use my mom's cooking thermometer. Will put a flooring of peat in the breeding tank to make it low. But umm how do I acclimate them? Also the leaves did not lower the pH in my main tank.
When I separate males and females, I only have my 10 gallon betta tank, and my QT tank so can I just put 3 males in the QT and the female in the community tank, then move all four to the breeding tank?
Yes but only move 1 female and 2 males, or 1 male & 1 female into a breeding tank. If you have too many fish in the breeding tank, the fish that aren't breeding at the time will usually eat the eggs. Having 1pr or 2males & 1 female in the breeding tank means the fish should be breeding and less inclined to hunt for the eggs.

Will put a flooring of peat in the breeding tank to make it low. But umm how do I acclimate them?
Put some peat in the main tank so the pH is the same in the main tank as the breeding tank. However, if you have fish that don't like acid water, then try to get the pH of the main tank close to 7.0 and have the rearing tank on 6.7-6.8. There will be less of a pH drop and it won't stress the fish that much.
Yes but only move 1 female and 2 males, or 1 male & 1 female into a breeding tank. If you have too many fish in the breeding tank, the fish that aren't breeding at the time will usually eat the eggs. Having 1pr or 2males & 1 female in the breeding tank means the fish should be breeding and less inclined to hunt for the eggs.


Put some peat in the main tank so the pH is the same in the main tank as the breeding tank. However, if you have fish that don't like acid water, then try to get the pH of the main tank close to 7.0 and have the rearing tank on 6.7-6.8. There will be less of a pH drop and it won't stress the fish that much.
Ok I'll put a male and female. Just ordered some peat.

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