is my betta male or female


Fish Crazy
Apr 14, 2004
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i bought a betta and it looks like a male but was bought as a female.can any1 tell from the photo


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I personally can't tell by the photo, but...

Females will also have an “egg spot” aka the ovipositor tube. The egg spot is a good way to identify a female and tell her apart from a young male. The egg spot is a white dot, located near the base of the ventrals. It is from this egg spot that eggs will be released by the female during spawning.

Just in case...
I have a movie well 2 of her swimming about but they are too big to put on the net. If anyone wants me to send it to them over msn or owt leave your email.
im pretty sure its female, it doen't look like it has those lil fins handin from his front side. she looks rely nice :thumbs:
It looks like a young male to me. Look behind the stomach, and see if you can see the egg sac. It will be a yellowish color. On the picture you posted, is a small circle behind it's stomach. Looks like a reflection in the glass.This is where the egg sac would be located. Most females start showing the oviposter at 3-4 months old, but some males have it as well. I have had more than one (female) turn out to be a slow developing male. The reason I think it is a young male, is because of the length of the caudal. I raised a orange spawn, and am used to looking at them. He looks to be about 3 months old. The dorsal is thin and the anal looks long. Only time will tell for sure, but it should start developing really fast at this stage.

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