Is My Balloon Mollie Pregnant?

thank you to all of you, supose all i have to do is wait and see now , have been doing a fair bit of research on the frys,ive decided to leave her in the main tank instead of moving her to a net and hopefully i will be at home not at work when the times right, read that it can course proplems if you move them into a breeding net is this true and what are your views on this???
It really depends on when you move her. If you move her too early the fry can be aborted and if too early they will die. You should wait until your female starts to show all of the signs of impending labor (squared-off, lack of appetite, hiding away from the other fish, opened vent) before you move her. If she doesn't drop within 24 hours, remove her. If she begins to show signs that she is excessively stressed, remove her.
If you do use the net, chuck lots of plants and such into it so that the fry will have someplace to hide when they are born. If not, the mother will likely eat them.
shes already lost her appitite but still swimming around with the other fish and her well dunno how word this but her bum whole has gone a bit bigger over the past 12 hours
Just keep an eye on her, it sounds like she is getting ready. I'd put her in the net with some plants (if you have one) when you go to bed tonight. If you don't have a net, a large canning jar or tupperware type container floated in the main tank with an airstone will suffice. I have a 2 gallon jar that I use for birthing. I put a bunch of plants in the bottom and float some on top.
i do have a net yes , but unsure wether to use it or not i read that it can stress the fish out
Being harassed by the other fish while trying to birth can stress them out as well...mine usually appreciate the reprieve. lol

The stress that is usually mentioned in regard to breeder nets usually refers to premature abortion. Your gal is more than ready. If you still decide to forgo the net, move all of your plants and decor to one side to give the fry a dense area to hide in.
She isn't going to instantly fall over dead from stress. Just watch her for a bit and if she seems more stressed than you are comfortable with let her go. I know how anxious the first batch of fry can make a person, I hope all goes well for you and your fish.
thanks for your advice and she better hadnt go belly up ha ha ha fingers crossed all goes well
LOL, they never drop when you want them to...just be patient, it won't be long. Waiting for fry is frustrating.
tell me about it am obessed with my fat fishy haha and yes its so frustrating i dont wanna wait any longer

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