Is mirror a Good Idea 4 a betta

Bad. It'll stress him out because he won't be able to attack the betta that's intruding on his territory.
may also desentisize him. Once in a while its alright, kinda keeps him alert about things, but day after day, night after night..i dont' think that's a good one.
A Few Minutes a day is healthy for him, But Not all the Time.
Aye I agree with whats been said. A little stimulation is good once in a while, especially for a betta in a tank by himself. Too much will desensitize him though most likely.
and THEN, when you REALLY want him to flare, he won't ever do it for you again :p *points to her betta*
and i have 4 bettas in a 10G, at first they flare like crazy, 24/7 but now they do it maybe......once in a blue moon :)
I used to have a betta and a couple of times a week I would use the mirror. I had heard that it was good for him as in their natural environment they come upon other bettas. It never hurt him and he didn't seem stressed by it. I did find that after a long while he didn't react to it as much. Maybe he was getting old or else he got desensitized. Unfortunately he never told me! :p
i've had my 2 betta's divided from eachother for 6 months, and they both look like they are eagerly waiting for the day that the divider is removed.....they flare like crazy.

i guess my betta's never get tired of things! lol.
Oddly, my female betta acts depressed whenever I remove "her" mirror. She laid claims on it shortly after I got her, and when I took it away she would sit staring at the spot that it had been in for literally hours until I would bring it back. She now has a 1 gallon with 2 small mirrors in it and she is forever flaring and preening in front of them. She doesn't seem stressed or attack them, she just likes to watch the "other" fish. My male bettas don't like mirrors so they usually don't get to see them, but my female simply can't get enough of them!
schzaam said:
no it a extremly bad idea becasue they fight with their selves and will kill their selves
I agree with that with some bettas, one of my plakats goes absolutely insane at a mirror and will slam himself into the side of the tank for 5 minutes after it's been removed, he's viscious. Then I have others who look at the mirror and swim away like "That's nice"

There's no harm in doing it now and then when you take pictures or want to see a little show, but I wouldn't make it permanent.
I keep 3 of mine,2 males and a female all in separate homes.They are all very close to the 10g tank with the fantail.One male in particular loves to watch for the fantail to swim into view and will flare for a bit and later build bubble nests.The female is in the middle and just seems to enjoy all the eye candy.The newest male is still adjusting and so far seems quite happy with his surroundings.Now and then I reposition things just to keep it interesting but not stressful.


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