Is Melafix Strong Enough


- l l a m a s -
Mar 22, 2006
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British Columbia, Canada
The weather get really cold here for a few days, and on top of that our furnace stopped working.. so for 3-4 days the house was freezing. The bettas don't have heaters, and didn't do great while it was cold. Next time I will definitely just float them in one of the heated tanks.

Anyways, one of my bettas has red on the tip of it's tail, and I don't want it to spread.

Will melafix get rid of that? or is it not strong enough?

It's a 1g tank with no filter. I have since added a light to the tank which heats the water up a decent amount. I've been adding some salt every few days for about a week and the red is still there, so I'd like to treat with something.

Melafix - yes | no ?
I've never used Melafix but I have used Pimafix. When my Betta had finrot I treated him for a week with it and it worked wonders. :)
Melafix actually is strong enough to kill a betta. When using it, treat with only half of the recommended dosage.

However, are you sure that what your betta has is finrot, and not the beginnings of septicemia?
From what I've read, that septicemia kills the fish within a week and gets very bad fast..

It's been more then a week... the fish looks fine other then the little red on the tip of the tail..

I don't think it's septicemia.
I have had to use it once on my ten gallon with 9 fish two frogs and three live plants . Long story short started losing fish until all were gone within one week so I had no luck.After alot of research I mean alot and talking to anybody who would listen the advice i got was not to medicate the tank medicate the fish meaning have a seperate tank good luck
You could also put him in a separate tank with super clean water and keep it super clean then see if there's any improvement.
If it was going to go away without meds it would have by now..

I just need to know if others have had success with melafix and fin rot regarding to bettas.
I've found it seems to work pretty well, but you might want to try pimafix if the melafix doesn't seem to help. (I can't remember what it says on the melafix bottle, and mine got thrown out last week cause it was empty. ^_^6) Pimafix quote:"Pimafix treats: Fungus or cottony growth, mouth and body fungus, and reddening of fins and body." But as lisie said, its strong stuff, so I'd say only use a half or at most 3/4ths dose.
I think tomorrow I will get either melafix or pimafix.. whichever is stronger.. So I can use it on other fish if need be.

I'm going to add an air pump in the tank while treating it, just to be safe. Will be sure to do a 1/2 dose as well..

Thanks for the replies :good:
It is possible to treat other fish with both the Fixes. MelaFix treats bacterial infections and PimaFix treats fungal infections and speeds fin healing/regeneration. Just watch closely for aby distress. If you don't see fast recovery, get an antibiotic. I have had success with the Fixes with other fish. I have also had it not work, and the delayed med treatment was catostrphic.

Fin rot is a bacterial infection==so is septicema. I don't know (fortunately) what the red fins are that the PimaFix bottle describes is.

Whenever there is an illness, the outcome is not certain. We just do our best.

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