Is It Worth It?


New Member
Aug 21, 2008
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This may be a misleading title.

I wanted to ask if it is worht driving to a lfs or garden centre, rather than P@H as their stock is always ill and has white spot.

EDIT: All the places with decent stock are at least 45 minutes drive.
depends how much you wan't it, alot of my fish i had to drive 45mins for, i know of people driving for two days across america just to collect a fish and two days back, deadication, basically its worth what you feel,you could find someone selling on ebay and have it delivered to your door
It's not only cheaper in the long run to go farther/spend more for stock more likely to be healthy and to not require expensive meds and potentially infect other fish, but saves endless stress, heartache and labour.
Personally, I've quit spending an eventual fortune on 'cheap' unhealthy fish because it's so much nicer enjoying beautiful, healthy ones, apart from the savings.
Of course, I'm still dealing with the effects of not absorbing this lesson earlier...
I agree with above. Go for the farther healthier fish, you will be happier with a better fish and not spending money on meds, fish will be happier and you have supported a store that hopefully cares for its fish better. I drove an hour each way when getting my first fish as knew they were healthy and looked after :)

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