Is it worth buying Liquifry?


Tank of the Month 🏆
Aug 6, 2023
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I have some pencil fish that are definitely spawning 🥳 Is it worth buying some Liquifry online or will homemade alternatives do fine? Like egg yolk, crushed adult fish food or crushed frozen food maybe
I have a pile of dried foods, and haven't bought liquifry or used egg yolk since I bred zebra danios in my teens. I (try to) breed a lot of fish, so it's worthwhile for me to have a good stock on hand.

I buy decapsulated brine shrimp online. I also have the fine powder from the bottom of dried krill bags, commercial cricket powder (health food stores), a food sold in the US as golden pearls (very good stuff) and my go to live, freshly hatched brine shrimp. In the marine section of Canadian stores, you can find powdered krill sold to feed corals. If you mix it in a little water and shoot it into the tank with a turkey baster, it is excellent for fry the size of pencils.

Liquifry and especially egg yolks can easily pollute your water.
A guy should have everything he can find on hand . Don’t get caught empty handed when unexpected arrivals arrive . I wish I had a dime for every post I’ve ever read here from people crying over not having fry food when new fry showed up .
Liquid fry foods are boiled egg yolk in water. Make your own by hard boiling an egg and pushing the yolk through a handkerchief into a small container of dechlorinated water. Swirl it round and use an eye dropper to suck some out and feed to the fry several times a day.

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