Is it too soon to be hooked?

Booboo puppy

Fish Addict
Apr 11, 2005
Reaction score
Bremerton, WA
I've only had my fish for a few months, but I think I want more fish than what my tank can accommodate. :sad: By the time the baby platys mature, I think the 40 gallon tank will be filled. I found myself yesterday looking around the living room for likely spots to add an aquarium. It would have to be only 10 or 20 gallons (I think a 20 gallon would fit on the top of the entertainment center or a small tank on the top of the desk). Or I could start putting tanks in the dining room.... I really would like some angels or pearl guoramis. And some swordtails. And maybe a betta...let's see, a five gallon tank would fit on the desk in the living room. So many little room! :thumbs:
It is never too early to be hooked. I have gone from one to 7 tanks in 3 months. Welcome to the club, it sure is a lot of fun! Oh yeah, I still need one more tank for my girlie bettas. I love MTS! :lol:
I've only been fishkeeping for about 5 months.
I now have 14 bettas, split out into 8 tanks.
And I want more more more more more.
It's never too early to be addicted.
Never. :rolleyes:
I got my first Betta in I think September. I now have over 40 Bettas (male and female, and that doesn't even include my Betta fry). I have a BUNCH of Guppies, a Dwarf Platy ('cause her friends died and I keep forgetting to replace them), some Mollies (including brand-new babies!), some White Cloud Mountain Minnows, some Zebra/Leopard Danios, three African Dwarf Frogs, two Croaking Gouramis, 2 Cory Cats, and two Chinese Fire Belly Newts. I THINK that's all...but I don't really remember....

Being hooked is a GOOD thing. (well, it's better than all the other stuff you COULD be hooked on)
another victim of mts...

in a little over a year, i've gone from not really ever being interested in fish to having 8 tanks scattered around my apartment. i started with a little 5 gallon to my biggest now is 55 and i so desperately want bigger, but that'll have to wait until i move. there are still so many different fish that i want, but i'd have to have a mansion to house all those tanks :p

don't worry though, many of us suffer from mts...well, i say suffer, but i have to say i enjoy it. it's just my wallet that suffers. welcome to the club

if you do get a betta make sure it is with a female. If 2 males are together, they will fight to the death. :wub:
soph said:
if you do get a betta make sure it is with a female. If 2 males are together, they will fight to the death.
a female and a male wil fight face a male betta will fight with almost any betta only FEMALES and FEMALES can be kept together
I think you get hooked as soon as you start. I have a 75 gallon tank and I am trying to convince my husband to let me get another tank (without any luck so far :( )
I kept tropical fish when I was a teen. I got back to it four months ago and now have two 5 gallon tanks, one for fry and one with two quarantined fish from my LFS. I have a 1.5 gallon hospital tank I can use if the 5 gallon quarantine tank is occupied. I use the small tanks to support the 55 gallon tank I keep in my bedroom.
Both of my sons want to buy a tank for their room (they are 11 & 13 years). My eldest son and I are working on my wife to let us get another tank, we can't find a place for another 55 gallon tank so we are thinking about a 30 gallon or a 40 gallon tall tank. We almost have my wife convinced to do another tank, she insists we have a conspiricy to take over the house with fish. :whistle: She asked where we would put another tank and we suggested getting rid of the exercise walker she doesn't use very much and putting it there, we almost have her sold on the idea. :D
We just got some new fry in the fry tank and she is happy about it, she loves fry. I have some 4 month old guppies that I was going to take to my LFS but she won't let me because they all look different and she doesn't want to see them go. We have the room for them in the community tank so I guess they can stay.
Don't worry about wanting more tanks, this is a contagious hobby. Welcome to MTS.
well i got my first tnak just after christmas, and now i got a second, space and cash being my probelem or i would have lots!
About being addicted to fish? Too soon would be wanting another tank before you get your first. I just recently took out my 20gal and 10gal tank leaving me with just a 55.. I didn't go two days without them before I had them set back up and running again :sly: .

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